
Are you participating in No weed November?

Published Nov 14, 2019 02:00 p.m. ET
iStock / Alexandrum79

Smoking weed is a pastime that many Canadians now safely and openly enjoy. With the stress-inducing holidays right around the corner, it’s hard to see why any would slow down on their consumption now, but November is a month that some weed enthusiasts take quite seriously.

If you haven't heard of ‘No weed November’ or want to know more about what it entails, then you’ve come to just the right place. Here we will explain what it is, the idea behind participating and close with some helpful tips and tricks on how to quit smoking weed for those who would like to try it themselves.

What is No weed November?

No weed November is exactly what it sounds like, a period of refraining from ingesting or consuming cannabis goods that last for the entirety of the month. From the 1st to the 31st,consumers everywhere will be putting down their favorite weed pipes and finding something else to spend their time on.

What is the reason behind No weed November?

There appears to be no way to trace this movement back to its origin. However, it is believed to have begun due to a dry period between growing seasons. Many growers harvest cannabis crops in October, and traditional drying methods would often mean no new smokable product until it is much closer to Christmas.

Enthusiasts who participate in the dry month give a couple of reasons behind their decision, including:

  1. The first and most common reason that so many consumers partake in ‘No weed November’, is to enhance their sensitivity to cannabinoids. When trying to smoke weed for the first time, the effects can be incredibly intense and even overwhelming, and they dull over time as a tolerance level is built-up. While there is little scientific evidence to back this up, many consumers believe a dry period will help to intensify the effects in the future.

  2. The second most popular motivator is health, which isn’t surprising with all-natural lifestyle choices now trending across the internet. The thing about smoking weed is that it can make a consumer feel congested and sluggish. Using cannabis at this time of year can hinder motivation, which is needed to prepare for the holidays ahead, and going without weed for the month can help to clear up mucus in the lungs.

  3. The third and least common but perhaps the best reason to celebrate ‘No weed November’ is to save money. Smoking weed can be a costly expense, especially once a consumer increases intake to make up for a higher tolerance, in an attempt to achieve the same results they’re used to. With Christmas right around the corner, many enthusiasts take this time to stash away the funds that would normally go up in smoke, to use for presents, gathering and other expenses that may arise unexpectedly.

How long does weed stay in your system?

‘No weed November’ lasts for an entire month, which just happens to be the perfect amount of time for weed to leave your system. While full time and heavy consumers may take up to 60 days for THC to be entirely undetectable, for the average, regular or occasional toker, it typically doesn’t take more than a month to cleanse the system to the point where they could pass a drug test.

Tips and tricks on how to quit smoking weed


Toking much like smoking cigarettes is a habit that can be challenging to break, especially for an entire month, but if you feel up to the challenge and would like to try it yourself, then you might need some guidance along the way. Below you will find several helpful tidbits of information that can help you to achieve your goal of staying weed-free for a full 30 days.

1. Pick a healthy snack and stock up
When smokers quit toking, one of the first things they tend to fall back on is unhealthy snacks and finger foods. That is a normal response, which is why so many smokers who quit cigarettes gain weight, but it is an avoidable problem, especially since this is only going to last for one month. Toss away the unhealthy munchies and stock up on crunchy low calories snacks that are easier on the waistline so that you can indulge guilt-free. It will help you to combat cravings and get a boost of essential vitamins.

2. Chew gum
Smoking tends to be paired with what is called an oral fixation, where the user becomes used to having something to do with their mouth, so in the absence of weed, they look for other things like snacks. Unfortunately, not everyone can keep a veggie tray on their desk at work, and for them, chewing gum is a helpful tool for avoiding cravings.

3. Adopt a healthy meal plan
Nutrition is of the utmost importance, as the withdrawal symptoms from cannabis can be significantly reduced through appropriate measures of self-care. Eating a diet that includes high iron, essential healthy fats, and natural sugars will go a long way towards helping you to achieve your goal of staying weed-free for 30 days.

4. Try CBD
For some people, it’s the hand to mouth habit from smoking weed, that is difficult to ignore, which can lead to an increase in stress, agitation and frustration. Luckily, if you want to avoid cannabis, you can still use pure CBD oil, which can help to combat some of these uncomfortable symptoms. CBD oil can be taken through edibles, a vape pen, tincture or by smoking pure buds, but that last option negates the health benefits that are the goal for this month.

5. Drink plenty of water
Increasing water intake is important during this time, as it can help the body to cleanse away the elements of cannabis. The average person is supposed to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and sticking to that amount is a good goal for anyone who is trying to quit smoking weed.

6. Get good quality sleep
Toking on some potent cannabis is the only way that some people get a good night’s rest, which is why this often-overlooked detail is one of the most irritating challenges that comes with quitting. While there is always the option of visiting your healthcare provider for a sleeping aid, the best all-natural way to ensure the best quality of sleep possible is to avoid caffeine late at night and head to bed a good hour or two early so that if it takes a while to fall asleep, you aren’t stuck functioning on only a couple of hours.

7. Stay busy
Another excellent piece of advice when quitting any substance is to stay busy doing activities that you enjoy while avoiding active smokers whenever possible. Doing things that you like, can help to ease the transition as it helps to keep you in a positive frame of mind. Something with your hands is most recommended, like videogames, puzzles or a massive long overdue cleaning spree. The choice is up to you, just keep on moving.

8. Don’t do it alone
These kinds of challenges are always easy when you have a strong network of support and what better place to get that than from others who are willing to do the exact same thing. Find a ‘No weed November’ buddy or group so that you can prop each other up on your journey while reflecting together on strategies to succeed.

9. Remain positive
If you really want to stay weed-free for a whole month, then it is important to face the situation at hand with the best attitude you can muster. You shouldn’t take part in ‘No weed November’ unless you genuinely want to, otherwise, your chances of success will be significantly lower in the end, and the 30 days are going to feel like months on end as you struggle through it. Be positive and only include yourself in this low-key tradition if your heart is in the idea.

10. Just breathe
Don’t forget that this is the kind of challenge that is difficult on many people who choose to partake, and if you can’t go the month without toking, then it’s ok to cave once in a while. Just try to do the best that you can and breathe through the hard times, remember you can do anything if you set your mind to it!

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