A few interesting benefits of using hemp

Published Jan 22, 2020 12:00 p.m. ET
iStock / Tinnakorn Jorruang

Since the legalization of cannabis, the hemp plant has gained even more recognition for its medicinal and economic benefits. Hemp is a species of the cannabis plant that contains a higher percentage of CBD than THC. Due to its cannabinoid properties and effects, hemp has many benefits. Not only is it useful for health benefits, but the hemp plant can be used for a multiplicity of reasons like for example, to make clothing.

Nutritional Benefits

Hemp seeds are nutritious because they contain an array of vitamins and minerals. Hemp seeds are also a good source of protein. Amino acids are foundational basics for proteins, and the body does not produce enough of them, which is why humans need to eat a diet that consists of protein to provide the additional amino acids. The seeds contain minerals such as magnesium and potassium.

Health Benefits

Many health benefits are attributed to the hemp plant. This is supported by scientific research. One review of a study in 2018 showed that the properties, including CBD, found in the plant, may be anti-inflammatory, and can positively affect the immune system of a person.

Hemp seeds contain many nutrients, and one of them is omega 3 fatty acids. Hemp seeds contain a high concentration of omega 3. Omega 3 has been medically proven to help to promote a healthy heart, thereby improving the function of the cardiovascular system. The anti-inflammatory effect of hemp seeds can also help people that have skin or acne problems.

There is no known risk associated with the use of hemp seeds. Are you wondering if you will get high after consuming hemp seed products? Well, hemp seeds may be from the cannabis plant, but they contain little to no THC and so they will not get you high.


Although the use of hemp may cause a urine test to be positive for drugs, this is a result of the type of hemp product purchased. Some hemp products may contain more THC than usual, but it’s often less than 5%. Persons who consume hemp options should be careful if their job requires them to take drug tests. To prevent cross-contamination with THC and to regulate the amount found in the hemp plant, Canada has implemented laws to regulate the cultivation of hemp.

Hemp clothing

The hemp plant is a reliable and versatile species. Did you know that hemp can be used to make clothing? Many persons may not be aware that the hemp produces a fibre material that can be used to make clothing.

Though you might find it interesting to know that this is not new, as the use of hemp fibre to make clothes came about from ancient times (around 8000BC). When compared to cotton and wool, the hemp fibre is more industrious for several reasons. Hemp is lightweight in comparison to cotton, and it allows for more breathing space in the clothing when it’s worn. Many persons prefer to wear clothes like this, especially in the summer or spring season, when the temperatures go up.

Unlike other clothing materials, hemp is water-resistant, so it does not absorb water. This means that the material will last longer and withstand bad weather conditions. Not only that, but hemp is resistant to mold. As established before, the hemp plant is resourceful. The hemp seed and roots can be used to make food and hemp oil, and so much more.

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