Should CBD oil be given to children?

Published Jul 21, 2019 11:22 a.m. ET
iStock / noipornpan

The traditional medications that are prescribed by health practitioners often carry unwanted side-effects, and with alternative medicine now on the rise, parents now have additional options to help in treating their children’s health concerns.

CBD is a compound that is present in marijuana, and it is becoming a wide sought-after alternative. CBD does not produce high feelings like its counter partner THC, and it is nonaddictive and has a low risk of delivering any unwanted side effects. These facts make CBD an excellent choice for treating children’s ailments.

Epilepsy, autism and anxiety issues are health concerns that parents are seeking information on how to use CBD and are turning to CBD oil for the benefits that it natural compound delivers.

CBD oil effects, although not dangerous, can include diarrhea, fatigue, changes in appetite and can also interact with some prescribed medications. Before administering CBD products or oil to your child, it is advised that you inform the practitioner of your intention.

Parents need to be careful when purchasing CBD oil or products online. Safe products need to be regulated and some stores are not providing controlled products. The supply of CBD gummies, tinctures, and lotions may not contain what the label claims are in the product.

iStock / Oleg Malyshev

Some of the conditions and symptoms that CBD has been used to treat include:

Dravet syndrome or Lennox-Gastaut causes many multiple seizures daily. CBD is proven to be effective in reducing and disabling the seizures. However, as studies continue, there is evidence that CBD may not be as effective for all types of seizures.

CBD has been documented in helping children to conform to school therapy and life in general. CBD can help children with autism to reach their full potential.


The inability to remain focused and pay attention in school is helped with the use of CBD. The compound allows children to concentrate and feel part of the group. Anxiety can be reduced with the administration of CBD oil, gummies, or other types of edibles. The kids that have an anxious nature of ADHD may have found help for this issue

Parents have noted the benefits of providing CBD products in many forms, including CBD oil gummies and tinctures. Children that are suffering from migraines have been helped with the administering of this fantastic healthy product derived from the marijuana plant or the hemp plant. Studies indicate that that CBD oil can also fight inflammation which may also help in reducing the pain that children may experience,

Investigations are ongoing when CBD is used for the treatment of health concerns of children. Long-term use and its effects on children need to be studied and used cautiously. Check your supplier, do your homework and seek to find the right CBD product for your children's health concerns.

Currently, the market is a bit of a buyer beware market as such look for companies that provide third-party testing and COA, this will inform you of the amount of CBD/THC that the product contains. If the supplier tells you that they do not have test results: move away quickly, this is not the CBD product for your child. CBD is the compound that may be just what the doctor ordered except the doctor may not be prescribing this natural healthy product.

Use wisely and responsibly as with any edible or consumption of CBD your children can benefit from its fantastic medicinal compound.

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