
How to buy weed during the COVID-19 outbreak

Published Apr 13, 2020 12:00 p.m. ET
iStock / OlegMalyshev

Things are getting a bit more intense out there, and we’re being told to limit our interactions as much as possible, but many of us still need things like groceries, personal care items, and cannabis. Some people can manage just fine for a few months without anything, but that’s only going to work for occasional stoners. For those who smoke all day every day, the situation can get dire, and fast, which is why it’s important to know how to buy weed during such a sensitive time, and we’re here to help with that.

1. Buy weed online whenever possible
We know how hard it is to stay cooped up inside, but the usual trip to your local weed shop should be an absolute last resort because anywhere that is high traffic is going to increase your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19. Instead, it’s best to search for a reputable vendor who offers an online shopping experience that will keep you away from people as much as possible.

2. Opt for weed delivery or curbside pickup
If you’re trying to stay safe during a pandemic, then it’s best to stay home as much as possible, and that means taking advantage of every possible option out there. Some dispensaries will let you buy weed from home and pick it up curbside, but there are plenty who will ship it straight to your door for a contactless exchange that will help to keep you safe in the coming months.

3. Avoid paying in cash
Money is really dirty on a good day, but now that we have a pandemic on our hands, a lot of dispensaries are no longer taking cash as payment, and those that are would still very much prefer if you chose a less risky way to pay. Hence it is highly recommended when you buy weed, you should pay via e-transfer, or tap with a debit card so that you can avoid touching money or a dirty payment pad and buttons.

4. Take proper precautions during the exchange
No matter how you chose to buy weed, it is important to take extra precautions that can help you to avoid potential exposure to germs or people, and that can be done a few different ways. You can make sure to disinfect all packages, to wear gloves while handling freshly delivered goods, and to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face. All of these things can help to keep you safe and make it possible to enjoy a toke during this pandemic.


5. Buy weed from local dispensaries to avoid delays
When it comes to websites that offer weed delivery, it is important to recognize how far your goods must travel before they arrive. Due to a sudden flood of store closures, everyone has been rushing to buy the necessities and luxuries online, which has led to an increase in mail volume that is close to what we see around Christmas time. So, for the least amount of waiting, and to avoid unnecessary holds on your cannabis, you will want to buy weed online from as close to home as possible.

Always treat your vendors and delivery drivers with respect

Our doctors, nurses, and emergency personnel are the ones who get the most recognition for their work on the frontlines, but essential service workers like budtenders and delivery drivers are out there trying to keep their customers medicated, at risk to themselves and their loved ones. It’s always good to remember to be patient, kind, and thank your dispensary workers, as they are doing things to keep the supply flowing, which keeps us comfortable at the worst of times.

Calling all budtenders who want to get paid to smoke weed


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