
10 things people should know about ingestible cannabinoids

Published Dec 8, 2021 10:00 a.m. ET
iStock / Tinnakorn Jorruang

Edibles, cannabis drinks, capsules, breath strips, mints, and some types of oil are ingested to harness the benefits of cannabis without any of the adverse health effects, which is why so many people are flocking to buy these incredible products. Some choose to make the switch from smoking, while others make the decision to start with ingestibles right off the hop, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but a lot of people don’t realize that there is a massive difference between these and inhalable cannabis products.

Even some of the most experienced tokers may have no idea what to expect from weed edibles, and many find out the hard way, and that’s why it’s a good idea to do some essential research first. With that in mind, we’re going to talk about ten of the most important facts about cannabis-infused ingestibles that every consumer should know.

1. They might not be right for you

Weed edibles, drinks, and other ingestible cannabis products are often an excellent choice for those who prefer a healthier way to indulge with cannabinoids, but they don’t work for everyone. The effects of these amazing creations can be far more intense and take much longer to kick in. They can also last for several hours on end, which isn’t an ideal solution for those seeking an instant and relatively short-lived buzz. The occasional person doesn’t even feel anything after taking ingestible, and though it’s rare, as you could imagine, this result could automatically disqualify edibles as a reasonable choice.

2. Always start with the lowest dose

As we’ve mentioned, the effects of edibles can be quite intense, hence the importance to start with the lowest dose possible because going overboard could result in a several hour-long uncomfortable buzz. A handful of gummy edibles might look harmless, but they could contain enough THC to put you right to sleep, so it’s important to start small and pay attention to labels, which brings us to our next point.

3. Pay close attention to labels

This is important for several reasons, with the first being that you need to know the exact THC content per serving. This is because a package might say 100mg and contain 10 weed gummies that are each 10mg, or it might say 50mg when there’s really that much in each serving. These things are easy to decipher with a few minutes of reading, but if you skip this step, it’s far too easy to assume, which could lead to less than desirable results.

4. Wait at least 2 hours between edibles

It’s not uncommon for cannabis consumers to down a pot brownie in total excitement and anticipation hoping for an immediate effect, and when they don’t feel anything right away, they’ll often reach for another, assuming that they didn’t take enough to benefit. The thing is that edibles can take up to 2 full hours before their effects can be felt.

5. Don’t take them just because you’re craving something sweet

A bowl full of THC caramels or mints might be hard to turn down, especially if you’ve got a sweet tooth that just won’t quit, but this isn’t the time or place to binge because it’s way too easy to go overboard, as you’ll be much less likely to pay attention to the amount you’re eating. So, if you really want something sugary, then have a snack, and finish it off with an edible instead, and you’ll save yourself what could be a long, intense, and unenjoyable high.


6. Pre-made ingredients are more consistent and reliable than homemade

You can make cannabutter, cannabis oil and just about any other infused ingredient for baking at home if you want to save yourself some money, but it’s nearly impossible to tell the exact strength of each treat without the ability to test them. Since these ingredients are often fatty, they also tend to pool and shift leaving one serving much more infused than the next, and that makes predictability hard to accomplish, which is why those with less experience might benefit more from store-bought solutions.

7. Safe storage and disposal should be a priority

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of experimenting with edibles, as they can be a whole lot of fun, but improper storage and disposal can cause problems for vulnerable people and beings around us. Kids are known to grab sweet weed gummies assuming that they’re just regular candy, and animals are infamous for scavenging through the garbage or scooping uneaten food off a table or counter. Unfortunately, both those scenarios could result in a terrifying emergency visit, so avoid it by keeping your treats well out of reach and the trash sealed and inaccessible.

8. Increase dose slowly

So, you’ve had a couple 5mg edibles and even gone so far as to eat a whole package of 6, with relatively impressive results, and now as a result, you probably feel braver and tempted to dive right into more potent alternatives, but it’s important that this increase isn’t rushed too much if you want to avoid going overboard. Instead, small incremental increases of no more than 5-10mg per sitting should be implemented so that you can slowly build up confidence and a better understanding of the right amount for you.

9. It’s a good idea to take them in the evening

Edibles are absolutely fantastic, but they are also considered to be one of the strongest options on the market today. Most consumers say the effects are more pronounced, and for the majority, they last far longer than any other method of delivery, which means that you may need a fair amount of time to dedicate solely to recovering from a session. Hence so many experienced users utilize edibles closer to the evening so that if they take too much or simply want to sleep off the effects, it doesn’t interrupt their schedule moving forward.

10. Cannabinoids may adversely impact prescription medication

Cannabis can do wonderful things for medical patients who want relief without the drawbacks of most pharmaceuticals, but if you’re already taking prescription medication, it’s important to know that edibles may change the way they work. In some cases, they could inflate the effects and in others, they could render a prescription essentially useless. Thus, it’s so important to discuss the possible impacts of a prescription treatment with your medical provider before trying ingestibles.

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