10 Effective ways to add more CBD to your daily routine

Published Sep 14, 2020 09:00 a.m. ET
iStock / pcess609

We all want to be as healthy as we can, but sometimes life gets in the way of some of the extra steps that we’d like to take to achieve that goal. It’s a busy world out there but having very little for extra time doesn’t mean that you can’t take care of yourself. In fact, with the incredible CBD products that are on the market today, it’s never been easier to take steps towards a better tomorrow than it is right now. Of course, getting started is the hardest part of this journey, but we can get you there with this handy list of ten different ways to make CBD a part of your daily routine.

1. CBD cream

CBD cream is a hot product that’s been a part of the CBD space for quite some time, as consumers learned long ago about the many benefits that this cannabinoid can have on overall skin health. It can help to firm up problem areas where you might have wrinkles, smooth over scars that have lingered for ages, and CBD cream can be used to manage a variety of uncomfortable skin conditions in some cases better than pharmaceutical treatments.

2. Capsules

CBD capsules offer a really simple solution for anyone who would like to ingest this medicinal cannabinoid without all of the stress and mess of making edibles or some other alternative, and they come with a benefit that is rare among hemp products, which is an ideal and precise CBD dosing every single time. All you have to do is swallow one in the morning and another just before dinner in the evening, and you’ll have officially completed a whole day's regime of CBD in a matter of just a few minutes per day.

3. CBD toothpaste

Oral care is something that everyone should keep up with, but with the expenses that go along with it, far too many of us don’t see a dentist as often as we should, and that can lead to many different problems over time. Even if you have perfect teeth, you’ll still want to keep them clean and plaque-free and to do that, you will need the assistance of a good quality toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. Finding a good toothpaste is hard when everyone looks identical, but CBD toothpaste will stand apart from the rest as it won’t be filled with the same concerning chemicals, and it will still leave your mouth and breath feeling great without them.

4. High CBD cannabis or hemp flower

If you enjoy the acts of either smoking or vaping, then this may be the ideal option for you to get a bit more CBD in your life. You can order high CBD cannabis flower or concentrate or stick to hemp products altogether to guarantee a low THC level, and with this option, the sky is the limit. You can buy pre-packed vape pens that are ready to use or high-quality devices that allow you to vape everything from dry herb to thicker and stickier concentrates because either option will come with a hearty dose of CBD that can be combined with your regular stash, or kept separate for when you need it the most.

5. CBD edibles

The hype over CBD edibles has long died down, but the market is now bustling with plenty of options to choose from, so that’s a good thing for you. Edibles don’t have to be your traditional sugar-filled brownies either, as they can take the form of even the most elegant dishes like steak, ribs, or salad as long as you’re willing to figure out how to make them. Whether you use CBD oil, crystals, butter, or spend the extra for pre-prepared options, they will always work well with the right dose, plus they taste great too.

6. CBD concentrates


CBD concentrates can come in many forms, but in this instance, we’re referring to the smokable and the kinds that can be vaped like juice or wax. These titles may be popularly used within the cannabis community, and they can be made using hemp products for a fair dose of CBD. These hot items are most popular among the dabbing and vaping communities, as they enjoy the feel of a hit through the lungs, but they don’t necessarily want the buzz to go with it. The best part about this method is that it works quickly and efficiently to provide you with all of the benefits of CBD.

7. Pure CBD oil

This is one of the most old-fashioned ways of using CBD, and it is typically done via dropper under the tongue or rubbed into the gums. Though it might not be the best-tasting way to use this cannabinoid, CBD oil has an incredibly long shelf life, which makes it perfect for those who want to buy in bulk, or only take it on occasion when they feel that they need the relief. The biggest perk that comes with keeping CBD oil around is that it can be used to make a variety of the products that we’ve discussed here today, so if you aren’t fond of the oily taste, then you can add it to whatever you want to be ingested.

8. CBD beverages

Not a fan of eating your CBD or rubbing it onto your skin? Or perhaps you’re just trying to find the easiest solution that doesn’t require a mouthful of oil to pull off, and that’s ok. We all have different preferences, and CBD beverages can be the perfect middle-ground for those who are struggling to find something that works for them. They can be made using CBD oil, crystals, isolate, and a variety of other concoctions if you’re willing to put in the extra work, if this sounds like something you can work with then you’re in luck because this is also one of the most popular hemp products on the market today, so there are plenty out there.

9. CBD cigarettes

CBD cigarettes aren’t available everywhere just yet, because some regions are having trouble with regulating the combination of cannabinoid and tobacco which we already know isn’t great for your health, but some areas have pure hemp flower versions that are packed, ready to go, and sold in larger quantities than your typical pre-rolls. Some find these hemp products to be expensive but they can help you to quit smoking, or just to get a good dose of CBD instead of a regular nicotine filled tube, plus they cost a fraction of the price, so they can actually save you money if they’re used right.

10. CBD shampoo and conditioner

Since we’ve covered how to put and use CBD hemp products on virtually every square inch of your body, you might be wondering how it’s possible that anything is left, but alas, here we are with CBD hair products. They might not be so effective at delivering high doses of CBD into the bloodstream, but if you struggle with unhealthy looking hair or a flaky scalp, all of your troubles could be over by simply making the switch. With this choice, you can opt for store-bought, or if you’re a penny pincher, then you can go the extra mile and just add a small amount of oil to your own favourite brands, and it’ll work just the same.

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