What the NCIA has to offer for cannabis consumers this summer

Published Jun 21, 2020 12:00 p.m. ET
iStock / Алексей Филатов

Are you among the over 2,000 cannabis businesses that are represented by NCIA, or perhaps you are included in the tens-of-thousands of cannabis professionals who depend on the integrity of NCIA to protect legal cannabis business, defend the state laws and assist in the promotion of federal policy reforms. Every day more members are joining NCIA to become more substantial businesses. NCIA knows that the responsible cannabis industry will become more prosperous by working together, defending, and expanding. Do the plans for what NCIA propose, entice you to seek them out?

The National Cannabis Industry Association came to practice in 2010 at a time when patients living with severe illness or their caregivers complied with state medical marijuana laws, not be prioritized in the justice department's prosecution line. This time set the groundwork for a new national industry. NCIA has dedicated itself to the promotion of the legitimate and responsible cannabis industry in the United States.

What’s on the agenda for the summer of 2020

Online learning is part of the dynamics of NCIA. During what can appear for some, to be sad days, NCIA has webinars for dealing with COVID-19. The financial situations many in the cannabis industry are finding themselves in can be assisted through the webinar.  Actionable information on the best way to mitigate through the financial risk concerns while avoiding pitfalls is presented for an up to date accountable online learning experience.

Business going forward

NCIA covers cyber presentation as they present the Missouri Cannabis Caucus (Cyber)

NCIA stands in high status for offering excellent networking opportunities and superb educational experiences. In today’s crisis, the same educational and networking capabilities will be presented in the going forward cyber online method. We are now experiencing the digital cannabis space, and NCIA is ready for the journey.

The reformatting of the popular Cannabis Caucuses will allow attendees to experience a one-of-a-kind virtual experience on the following dates:

June 16 in Missouri from 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM


June 17 in Michigan from 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM

June 18 in Illinois from 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM

June 22 in New Jersey from 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM

June 23 in California

Keep these vital summer dates close by for NCIA online promotions in your location.

As we all patiently wait for COVID-19 to pass through our lives with the realization that this might be a permanent change in the way cannabis business is conducted.  No longer will it be the face to face business meetings, gone will be the physical handshaking and networking. NCIA, a proud cannabis activist, has been proactive and has made sure the members are kept in touch with leading cannabis industry executives.

Now more than ever, the online or virtual business approach is becoming a reality. NCIA members are a unified body of cannabis activists determined to see the cannabis sector be treated in the correct manner. NCIA is there to support all members in reaching their full potential.

What to expect from virtual cannabis events this summer


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