Prohibition Partners Live - The world’s largest online cannabis conference

Published Apr 21, 2020 11:00 a.m. ET
iStock / wutwhanfoto

As all of the 420 events slated for the coming months face indefinite cancellations, those who within the cannabis industry are being forced to get creative with new and enticing ways to engage with the public that conforms to social distancing regulations. Unfortunately, this is not an easy feat, when you want to have a global reach, and most places have limited public gatherings to a maximum of five, which leaves one place to turn for a solution, and that is the internet.

What is Prohibition Partners Live?

Prohibition Partners Live is expected to be the largest cannabis conference on an online platform, and the idea is to bring all of the same cannabis industry specialists together that would normally gather each year in a way that allows them to connect with a target audience.


  • Simple
  • Accessible
  • Human contact-free
  • Global reach
  • No more missed cannabis conference dates


  • Must have an active internet connection to participate
  • Not user friendly for those who are uncomfortable with technology

When is it?

So far, a total of 3 participants have been announced, but many more are expected in the near future. Since each cannabis conference session will vary, the dates will change accordingly. However, the current dates that are available online to the public run from June 22nd to the 23rd, which is smack dab in the middle of summer.

Announced participants

If you’ve made it this far then you are probably wondering who the bigwigs are that have signed on to be involved with this cannabis conference, and so far, the list includes:

1. Cannabis Europa
Cannabis Europa is a Europe based cannabis company who is well known for its influence over change at both the local and international levels. Cannabis Europa normally hosts workshops and leadership conferences in person, but this year they are taking a leap of faith and joining the movement by partaking in the first session from this online platform.

2. Psych
The Psychedelics Symposium touches a bit on cannabis, but their main focus is on all mind-altering drugs that are included in the psychedelic space, so that includes things like magic mushrooms and LSD, which are still relatively taboo topics in much of the world, but they don’t advocate for recreational consumption so much as they do medicinal benefits that can be achieved. Psych brings stakeholders and medical professionals together to discuss critical research and the latest findings on all psychedelic substances that have uses within the medical field.


3. Cannabis Oceania
Cannabis Oceania is working towards changing the Asia Pacific cannabis industry, and they are the third and final participants of the first session through the online platform Prohibition Partners Live. They include market leaders from regions like New Zealand, Australian, and Asian markets who like to share information, inspire change and growth, and bring new players to the online portion of the industry.

How to get involved

Tickets have yet to be made available to the public, but they do offer a solution for those who are eagerly awaiting the latest and greatest updates on what’s to come and that includes access to things like early bird tickets, long before they are available through online portals. They don’t post these updates online, so the best way to stay in the know is to register for emails that will let you know the moment these offers are about to happen.

Why this online platform is the way of the future

COVID-19 has significantly changed the way that most of us live our lives, and the effects are not expected to subside immediately. Since it could be months or even years before we see any kind of cure or vaccination, chances are pretty good that it’s going to be a while before we are allowed to gather once again at our usual cannabis events.

Even once we do, things will be different, and in this day and age, where so many people have better access to the internet than they do to extra money for plane tickets and cannabis conference tickets, it just makes sense that this next new era of cannabis events will take place as much as possible on online platforms like the one being offered here through Prohibition Partners live.


Prohibition Partners Live is a global movement, and this big of a thing needs backing from some of the most influential companies in the world. Though there are expected to be many more as the day's progress and future events draw nearer, for the moment, this is the complete list of supporters that are coming together to make this online platform a reality for cannabis consumers and industry specialists everywhere.

  • BNP Paribas
  • Bloomberg
  • Department of State from the USA
  • Barclays
  • Politico
  • Canopy Rivers
  • PepsiCo
  • Coca-Cola
  • AXA
  • Brinks
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • KPMG
  • Amazon
  • CNN Business
  • Novartis
  • Diageo
Cannabis events that are either canceled or postponed due to COVID19


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