
The most effective strains for treating Fibromyalgia symptoms

Published Nov 13, 2019 10:00 a.m. ET
iStock / fizkes

Fibromyalgia is a health condition that is best described as an illness that is characterized by fatigue, difficulty sleeping, memory problems, and chronic pain.

Many people living with fibromyalgia have not had the benefit of results from research. To date, there has been limited research into CBD vs THC for controlling the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. However, there have been few studies that associate the pain with this syndrome.


The chemical compound in cannabis that has no psychoactive effects is CBD. CBD is thought to help activate the serotonin receptors in our brains, and serotonin plays a significant role in:

  • Pain perception
  • Maintaining body temperature
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Ease symptoms of depression
  • May help prevent symptoms of psychosis

When we look at the benefits that CBD can have for treating Fibromyalgia, we have to realize that this is a feasible alternative to pharmaceutical medicine. Fibromyalgia is known to affect women mostly, and currently, there is no known cure for the debilitating condition. There are, however, treatment options, one of which now is cannabis.

Recent Dutch studies looked at the effects of cannabis for treating this condition and determined that high CBD bought relief to a significant number of precipitants that those given a placebo in the same study. In comparison, THC high variety of medications like Bedrocan did improve pressure pain thresholds when compared to the placebos given in the study. However, Bedrolite, which is high in CBD, did not show any evidence of reducing and controlling spontaneous pain.

Studies in Israel have concluded that medical cannabis can be an effective and safe manner of treating Fibromyalgia. CBD and THC both have significant benefits for treating medical conditions. However, studies that have been conducted conclude that a combination of CBD and THC is the best way to handle this medical condition. This process is called the entourage effect.

Side effects of CBD

CBD has resulted in rare adverse effects that might include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Appetite changes
  • Weight changes

Currently, the best advice for people living with Fibromyalgia is to continue with the medication they have been prescribed, until further tests and research have been conducted. Research into the benefits of cannabis, whether CBD vs THC and which is the better and safer treatment of this syndrome, needs to continue. Keeping your doctor informed if you choose to use cannabis in your treatment plan is advisable, as this will help to avoid any harmful drug interactions that may occur with the current treatments and medications you are using today.

Today, it is safe to say that based on the research available, medical marijuana may help manage some of the symptoms associated with this syndrome. Sleep disturbances and pain management are two of the conditions that research has shown cannabis to be beneficial in the treatment of this syndrome.

As with the addition of any medication to your health regime, speaking with your primary caregiver before starting self-treatment is advisable.

How to get a medical marijuana card

To obtain medical marijuana legally, one may need to apply for a medical marijuana card. Certain health conditions qualify you for the medical marijuana card. It is necessary to check with your state's health service website to see if Fibromyalgia is a condition that falls under those covered with a medical marijuana card.

Best weed strains for Fibromyalgia

The following are strains suggested for the treatment of Fibromyalgia:

  • Girl Scout Cookies have high levels of THC and provide the right amount of pain relief.
  • Headband helps with headaches commonly noted with people living with this condition.
  • Harlequin is a high CBD strain that will enable you to go through the day without pain.
  • Critical Mass is a favorite strain for this health condition and provides significant pain relief. This strain also helps with controlling pain due to the exceptional inflammatory properties.
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