Things you need to know about growing marijuana indoors

Published Feb 16, 2020 12:00 p.m. ET
iStock / NataGolubnycha

Everybody is talking about how incredible of a blessing growing marijuana can be, but few dare to whisper about the downsides of the craft, especially when it’s done inside of your home. Though we would never discourage anyone who wanted to try growing marijuana indoors, but instead, we aim to educate on the potential risks that can come with introducing so many out of place elements to an improperly prepared house.

1. Moisture

One thing is for sure, and it’s that growing marijuana takes a fair amount of water, especially if you want the biggest and baddest buds on the block. Most growers have trouble remembering to water their ever-drying plants, which is why so many don’t realize the risk that added moisture to the air can cause. Excess water in the air can slowly seep into the walls, and eventually cause problems with mold and bacteria growth if not kept in check.

To avoid this incredibly damaging problem, it is important to install a high-quality ventilation system alongside fans that will keep air circulating. In some climates, a dehumidifier may even be necessary, and without all of these things in place, you can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to your home and your health in only one growing season.

2. CO2

Growing marijuana indoors can help to filter the air that circulates throughout the home, but your crop is doing a whole lot more than removing the toxins. Cannabis feeds off rich CO2 levels in the air, and it doesn’t take long for just a few growing marijuana plants to clear out a home, leaving them starved. A good exhaust system can help you to avoid this, but if you don’t have one, then be sure to open up a window on occasion to let some fresh air in. Even if it’s a bit cooler than usual, the introduction of a fresh dose might be exactly what your crop needs.

3. Air conditioning

Even the least experienced cannabis cultivators know that these plants absolutely love extreme levels of heat but keeping your home too warm can be hazardous to your health especially in the summer, so that’s not normally the issue that beginner growers run into. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when growing marijuana indoors is to have a low set air conditioning system.


Air conditioners remove all of the moisture from the air so that it’s easier to cool, and at the same time, a super cold flood of air will be consistently rushing through your grow room brushing up against your plants. A slight breeze isn’t enough to take out a well-established mother plant, but unfortunately, prolonged exposure to this kind of treatment will set you up for failure. If you must run an air conditioning unit or central air system, try keeping it at the warmest temperature to avoid this unfortunate problem.

4. Fertilizers and nutrients

Growing marijuana inside a grow room allows for an interesting level of control over everything including a steady and sufficient flow of essential nutrients, minerals, and fertilizers. Though these terms might sound based in nature, most growers don’t realize just how hazardous some of these mixtures can be. They can damage your health and the well-being of anyone or anything that comes into contact with them, which is why it’s important to take precautions whenever possible.

If you choose to use these products, during the final month of your cannabis plant’s grow cycle, you will need to perform what is called a flushing to remove the residual toxins from the marijuana buds. Otherwise, they will end up in your lungs, bloodstream, and eventually, they can make you sick. Take care of your plants by cleansing them, and bear in mind that fertilizers and nutrients can also pose a risk to children and pets, so be sure to keep any containers tightly sealed or out of reach from this vulnerable group to avoid accidental exposure.

5. Grow lights

Grow lights are an incredibly powerful tool, but they can sometimes come with a downside. The powerful UV rays are necessary when you’re growing marijuana indoors without access to real sunlight, but there they can pose a fire risk if you aren’t careful. Luckily, this can be avoided with safety extension cords, proper spacing away from walls, and by choosing models that don’t produce a significant amount of heat.

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