
Tips and tricks to avoid ever having to experience marijuana withdrawal symptoms

Published Sep 16, 2019 11:00 a.m. ET
iStock / Tunatura

Most substances and elements that make us feel good can come at a price when over consumed, and cannabis and THC infused products can cause adverse reactions in people who become reliant on regular ingestion of the psychoactive element THC.

What is marijuana withdrawal

Marijuana withdrawal is one of the possible negative effects of using too many cannabis products regularly for an extended period of time, and they occur when you can’t go for too long without using marijuana without feeling adverse consequences. We will touch on what regularly translates in just a moment, but first, you are probably wondering what symptoms to watch out for.

Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal

Cannabis consumption can affect so many things, that it can be difficult to figure out what might set any one person off as more susceptible to experience these adverse symptoms. However, there are some of the most common symptoms reported by experienced consumers.

  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Other aches
  • Stiffness
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Inability to sleep
  • Lack of appetite
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings

How to avoid marijuana withdrawal

These symptoms can sound scary but remember they are relatively similar to those of caffeine, sugar and other over enjoyed products on the market today. Just remember that marijuana withdrawal symptoms are manageable with time and patience.

1. Consume according to your budget.

If you always plan ahead and keep a little extra stashed away in case of “emergencies”, then you won’t have to experience a period of going without, that might lead to you experiencing some of the symptoms of marijuana withdrawal.

2. Consider micro-dosing

Micro-dosing is a new trend that is making waves in the cannabis industry, as enthusiasts from all around the world have harnessed the benefits of marijuana without many of the pesky side effects. The trick is to use just enough to achieve the results that you are seeking with the smallest amount of risk possible. Microdosing is taking minimal amounts of THC through any number of methods of ingestion every day, without using enough to feel the more psychoactive nature of THC. Following this method of consumption is much safer and decreases your chances of experiencing the side effects of marijuana withdrawal.

3. Avoid ingesting cannabis products for more than 3 days per week.


If you are concerned with becoming too reliant on cannabis products, then you might want to minimize frequent interaction. Research shows that smoking or ingesting marijuana products 3 or more times per week, which is considered to be regular use, is the point where your chances of experiencing the symptoms of marijuana withdrawal increase dramatically.

4. Always remain conscious of your consumption habits and how they impact life

One of the biggest concerning indicators of a habit that has been taken a bit too far is when performing said task begins to interfere with day to day responsibilities. Once you have reached this point, you will likely experience marijuana withdrawal symptoms as you try to cut back over time.

5. If you feel that you might be smoking or eating too many cannabis products, then consider smaller portions

It is often easy to lose track of just how many brownies went down the hatch or exactly how many joints you lit during a boring evening, and if your consumption begins to become too costly or just feels like more of a chore rather than a positive experience, then you might already be addicted to cannabis. Though this condition is far from life-threatening, it can significantly increase your chances of experiencing marijuana withdrawal symptoms.

How long does marijuana stay in your system?

A lot of people wonder how long it takes for THC to leave the system, as that should provide a measurable and reliable way to figure out ‘a one dose fits all’ approach. Unfortunately, the truth is that the effects of marijuana regardless of how they are ingested can last as little as a few moments or as many as several hours, which is the reason why doctors are having so much trouble with prescribing appropriate dosing instructions.

When does marijuana withdrawal happen?

Marijuana withdrawal is not at all impacted by how long it takes for THC to leave your system, and it can happen at any time after you have extinguished a joint. Which is the reason why it is so important to establish healthy rules, boundaries and guidelines as you travel this journey of cannabis consumption.

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