
Kanata Earth - Genetic Services and Analytical Testing

Published May 6, 2019 11:38 a.m. ET

Kanata Earth is a science-based cannabis company that provides enhanced genetic services and analytical testing to the Canadian cannabis industry.  

Kanata Earth is collaborating with the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) to provide cannabis analytical testing services to Canadian licensed producers. Our Genetics Laboratory also provides genetic services to licensed producers who are interested in genetic enhancement and stabilization, leading to plant breeders rights.

Our seedling nursery will provide tissue culture propagated nursery stock to Canadian licensed producers, improving the quality, efficiency and profitability of their grow.


Kanata Earth is building a vertically integrated science-based approach towards cultivation of Cannabis sativa. Advanced scientific methodology is applied to breeding new elite varieties with stable and consistently reproducible traits matching to specific growth conditions, nutrients and light regimes. Innovative approach to breeding and cultivation allows Kanata Earth to bring high-end products to market, be it seeds or clones. Kanata Earth is a unique amalgamation of cutting edge science, technology, production, marketing and management experts dedicated to bringing top strains to recreational and medicinal markets.”

  • Dr. Igor Kovalchuk
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