Hamish Sutherland - White Sheep Corp

Published May 11, 2019 03:23 p.m. ET

Hamish’s Scottish ancestors (highland shepherds) have served him well in being a custodian of hundreds of millions of investor dollars over the last three decades. A hands-on team builder, operations and marketing executive, Hamish is one of a rare few who has actual hands-on experience in building a successful cannabis company, passing more than 50 surprise inspections that were led by the excellent specialists at Health Canada. As the founding COO for Bedrocan Canada, Hamish delivered over $600 million in returns for shareholders. He was responsible for the first legal international transfer of live cannabis plant material from Holland to Canada, as well as the “greenfield” construction and commissioning of Bedrocan’s 52,000 sq.ft. state-of-the-art automated facility in suburban Toronto.  The facility,  subsequently acquired by Canopy Growth (the largest cannabis company in the world), is the most reliable production facility in the Canopy family.

Hamish has built start-ups on three continents and consulted to established brands including: Upper Canada Brewing Company, Bid.Com, Coopers & Lybrand, and ResearchNow.  In addition, while working with the Australian government, he was responsible for establishing 17 offshore companies entering North America for the first time and guiding over $100 million of direct investment and acquisitions between Australian and Canadian companies.  Hamish is a Professional Engineer (Engineering Physics) in Ontario , earned his MBA from Schulich, and is the active Chair of the Little Geeks Foundation. He loves basketball, sailing and helping everyone achieve their potential.

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