Fact or fiction - Ultrasonic cannabis extraction

Published May 12, 2019 09:33 a.m. ET
Canadian Press, Damian Dovarganes

For thousands of years, human beings have sought out some of the unique and effective ways to extract that cannabinoids from cannabis plants. There are so many different ways to make marijuana concentrates that it has become difficult to improve upon what’s currently readily available on the market, so it makes sense that some of those who have plenty of prior experience with cannabis extraction might doubt the newest claims when a more technologically advanced method hits the market. Some old timers still swear by less advanced methods like an old school rosin press, but that is one of the least efficient methods to extract the cannabinoids. We are here to assure you that not only is ultrasonic cannabis extraction a thing, but it might also be the marijuana extract of the future. Here we will explain what ultrasonic cannabis extraction means, how it happens, and what the results mean for consumers.

What is ultrasonic cannabis extraction?

Ultrasonic cannabis extraction is a brand-new method that is used to separate the cannabinoids from marijuana plant materials to make concentrates that are high in cannabinoids and still maintain the original terpene profiles.

How does ultrasonic cannabis extraction work?

Most methods of extraction require some form of solvent to remove the cannabinoids from the plant material effectively, but ultrasonic extraction works using non-toxic oils like coconut or olive oil as hydrocarbons that are easy to remove and leave behind virtually no residue resulting in a more robust condensed number of cannabinoids. The solution is used in combination with something called sonification which is a super-fast ultrasonic vibration that gently removes all of the THC and CBD from the plant materials without destroying the natural terpenes profile.

Benefits of sonification


Sonification which is the method used to perform ultrasonic cannabis extraction is beneficial in several ways that are expected to have a significant impact on marijuana growers and consumers who are naturally drawn to a higher quality experience. Here are just a few of the most noted benefits of using ultrasonic extraction.

  1. Faster- Since ultrasonic cannabis extraction uses sonification rather than a resting or cooking period, it ends up being an average of 25%-50% faster than other traditional methods of harvesting cannabinoids.
  2. More potent cannabinoid content-
  3. Efficient- Other more traditional methods used to make marijuana concentrates have an average extraction rate of between 75% and 80%. What that means is that most ways that you might use to make your cannabis extract will only utilize 75%-85% of the precious cannabinoids within, and wasting the rest.
  4. Solvent free- Though as we mentioned coconut or some other organic oil is used to extract the cannabinoids, these liquids are additive free and entirely safe to consume. Solvents like butane or alcohol can be incredibly hazardous to your health, even when they are ingested in minimal amounts.

Drawbacks to sonification

At this time there is no evidence to suggest that there is any negative reaction that is caused by consuming the marijuana extract made using sonification if an organic oil is used. Since propane is also offered as an option by some wholesalers, it is important to make this distinction. The most significant drawback to using sonication is the cost that is required to purchase the machine and maintain it.


Ultrasonic cannabis extraction was discovered by a group of individuals who sought out solvent free concentrates for health and wellness reasons. The investment might be worth it to anyone who agrees with the sentiment of keeping consumables free of toxic residues. Unfortunately, these devices are not carried by your average head shop and come at the cost of between $600-$1500 to buy. For anyone who either doesn’t smoke marijuana concentrates very often or is stuck on a budget, there are still plenty of cost friendly options out there. The only difference will be approximately 25% more THC and CBD which in the end will increase the quality of your product. If these price points disappoint you don’t give up hope just yet. This is brand-new technology and is expected to become much more affordable over the next few years as different versions are rolled out onto the cannabis market.



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