
Using cannabis flour to make delectable edibles

Published Mar 18, 2019 12:12 p.m. ET

The majority of recipes on the internet involving cannabis-infused edibles tend to be more geared towards using cannabutter or cannaoil instead of marijuana flour. Here, we will focus on the benefits and differences of using cannaflour instead.

What is cannabis flour?

Unlike other alternatives that are butter or oil based cannaflour can be made by utilizing more than just the bud of a marijuana plant. Often everything including the fan leaves are used to create a nutrient dense flour that is packed full of fiber and can be safely stored for weeks and even months. Marijuana flours chemical content will depend on the plant that is used to make it. If you use a high THC bud and leaf than your cannaflour will be more potent and if you begin with a CBD pure strain than your results will be a product with only CBD.

Benefits of using cannabis flour

When you make and bake edibles using cannaflouras a replacement for regular white or whole wheat baking flour it comes with several different benefits. Marijuana flour is:

  • Gluten free
  • Vegan-friendly
  • More fibrous than wheat flour
  • Easy to measure personalized doses of either THC or CBD
  • A money saver (when compared to purchasing pre-made edibles)
  • The perfect way to use up older crumbling bud
  • Much more appealing to smell than cannaoil or cannabutter

How to make cannaflour

Making marijuana flour at home is relatively easy with just one wholesome ingredient.


  • 14 grams of dried weed (as dry as possible to avoid mold growth potential)


  • 1 metal sifter
  • 1 cookie sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • 1 resealable airtight container
  • 1 coffee grinder, food processor, or traditional spice crushing bowl/masher


Step 1 - Prepare your dried cannabis with a process called decarboxylation. This will activate the THC content within and will also help to completely remove any moisture. This step is not necessary if you are using a CBD pure strain or if you are not interested in activating the psychoactive qualities of your bud. To do this, you will need to preheat an oven to 240F. While waiting for it to warm up, you can now line a cookie sheet with a layer of parchment paper. Dump the 14 grams of dried herb onto the parchment paper and evenly spread it around keeping a distance from any exposed metal edges. Once the oven has fully warmed place the cookie sheet with weed inside and bake it for 45 minutes.

Step 2 - Once the bud has been decarboxylated allow it sufficient time to cool before dumping it into whatever device you have chosen to grind it down to a powder. Grind, press, or process the bud until it resembles a fine powder that is similar to flour.

Step 3 - Sift the flour before pouring it into a resealable container like a mason jar. Store your freshly made marijuana flour in a dark, cool space to preserve freshness.

How to use cannaflour

Learning how to make and bake THC or CBD infused edibles using cannabis flour is reasonably straightforward. The general rule is to replace up to 30% of the flour a recipe calls for with marijuana flour. Before you bake with it, you will want to mix it and the plain flour together using a sifter to ensure they are well blended. The more you add, the stronger the taste will be. While this can be masked by upping other flavor enhancing ingredients if you find it is too much then try a smaller amount instead.

Tips to remember

  • Never exceed 340 Fahrenheit when you make and bake edibles using marijuana flour.
  • Be prepared to adjust ingredients to mask the flavor. Not everyone is a fan of the taste of cannabis flour. This can easily be concealed by adding more sugar or spices to ingredients, or by diluting your cannaflour with regular flour before using it.
  • 1 quarter or seven grams of dried weed will provide approximately 100 servings that each contain 10 milligrams of THC.
  • Remove any stems or seeds before grinding your cannaflour for the best flavor as both will add a bitter after taste.
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