How to make pumpkin pie with cannabutter

Published Nov 27, 2019 12:00 p.m. ET
iStock / MargoeEdwards

There is nothing quite like finding the perfect pumpkin pie recipe that is so good it makes you want to cook it to share with everyone that you know and love over the holidays. Pumpkin is a staple dessert at most Christmas feasts, and if you have mastered a more traditional version, then you can make any pumpkin pie recipe into edibles. You just need to have the ever-popular ingredient, cannabutter and know how to incorporate it into the dish.

Here we will show you how to make pumpkin pie with cannabutter, with a simple yet delicious filling recipe and step by step instructions on the best way to infuse a pumpkin pie with weed.

Cannabutter and pie

Most people immediately jump to an attempt at a whole infused food choice which is brave, and rarely ever a very good idea. While cannabutter is easy, versatile and can melt down into a liquid that might seem suitable for adding to the pumpkin pie filling, doing so will significantly alter the taste of the whole dessert.

That is fine for those who don’t mind the earthy flavors of cannabis, but not everyone is fond of that taste, so if you want to recreate your favorite pie into a weed-infused delight, then the best way to do it is through the crust, which is why this pumpkin recipe does just that and leaves the delicious and familiar flavors to be enjoyed by everyone who chooses to indulge.

Cannabutter crust recipe

Not everyone likes to try a new crust recipe, especially if you have already spent years perfecting your own, so if you don’t feel up to trying the included recipe, then just take yours and replace approximately half of the lard or shortening with cannabutter.


  • 2 ½ cups of white all-purpose flour
  • ½ cup of shortening
  • ½ cup of cannabutter
  • 5 tablespoons of cold water


  • Pie pans
  • Large bowl
  • Wooden spoon
  • Rolling pin
  • Electric mixer


  1. Use a powered mixer to cream together the lard and cannabutter.

  2. Now slowly add the flour to the mixture until it is all incorporated.

  3. By this point, the batter will get too think to continue with the mixer, so switch over to a spoon or your hands and add one tablespoon of water at a time until the crust dough reaches the perfect texture and consistency.

  4. Flour a clean surface and separate the crust into two portions.

  • Roll one at a time until they are large enough to fill the pie pans.

  • Carefully set the crust into the pans and use a knife to remove any jagged or overhanging pieces. Your crusts are now ready to be filled with some delicious pumpkin filling.

  • Pumpkin pie recipe

    If you’ve made it this far, then the base of your pie is already potently infused with cannabutter, so if you don’t like the recipe included below, then feel free to use your own favorite recipe, as it will not alter the results of the pie at all. Just be sure that you make enough filling for both crusts or prepare to freeze half of the batter for later.


    • 2 prepared pie shells
    • 1 large can of pumpkin puree (not seasoned)
    • 1 cup of brown sugar
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 454ml can evaporated milk
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1 teaspoon nutmeg


    • Whisk
    • Mixing bowl


    1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.

    2. Add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl and whisk them together until smooth.

    3. Evenly fill each of the pie crusts, then bake them in the oven for 1 hour.

    4. Remove the pumpkin pies from the oven and allow them to cool and set completely before serving either alone or topped with vanilla ice cream or cool whip.

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