
Cannabis infused peppermint weed brownie recipe

Published Jun 21, 2019 10:16 a.m. ET
iStock / Liia Galimzianova

One of the most iconic marijuana edibles is a special brownie.  If you remember back in the days, that was probably the only marijuana edible you knew about. Did you know about decarboxylating your marijuana to activate marijuana? Or, were you using hash for your rich brownies? Well here's a weed brownie recipe that has a peppermint twist for a more delicious taste and experience.

Let’s begin with preparing the weed to be used in the marijuana edible. It is more involved than not just adding the weed to a recipe; you need to activate the cannabinoids to produce those exciting long-lasting effects that marijuana edibles produce for our culinary delight.


• 1 liter of spring water
• 450 grams of high-quality butter
• 28 grams of your favorite strain of medium ground bud


• Stove
• Oven
• Baking tray
• Parchment paper
• Medium size saucepan
• Cheesecloth
• Silicone spatula
• Air-tight glass storage container


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 230F
  2. Line your baking tray with parchment paper
  3. Spread medium ground weed evenly on the lined baking tray
  4. Turn the weed every ten minutes
  5. After thirty minutes, remove from the oven

• In the saucepan add the 1 liter of spring water and bring to the boil, and the butter stir until the butter has melted in the water
• Add the 28 grams of marijuana, immediately turn the heat to low, never let mixture past the simmering stage
• Allow mixture to simmer for three hours, make sure to stir occasionally until a thick glossy buttery appearance is seen
• Remove from heat, let cool before straining into a glass bowl
• Cover bowl with cheesecloth, use cheesecloth as a filter. Make sure that you squeeze all the liquid butter through the cheesecloth into an airtight container
• Store the liquid cannabutter, in the fridge until it is firm, any moisture remaining on the solid cannabutter can be wiped off. Wipe the air-tight jar clean and dry; you can store your cannabutter in the fridge till you are ready to use it.

So now we can move on to using this peppermint infused weed brownies recipe to create a delicious marijuana edible.

Equipment needed

• 350F pre-heated oven
• 9 x 13 parchment lined a baking pan
• Heatproof glass bowl
• Pot of simmering hot water
• Silicone spatula
• Medium size glass bowl



• I cup of cannabutter
• 1 pound chopped the bittersweet chocolate
• 4 large organic eggs
• 1 ¾ cups of flour
• 1 1/4 cup of cane sugar
• 1 teaspoon of finely ground sea salt
• 2 teaspoons of pure peppermint extract
• 8 crushed candy canes (2/3 cup)


  1. Turn the oven to 350 F, and line a 9x13 baking pan with parchment paper.

  2. Combine two-thirds of the chopped chocolate and the cannabutter into a heatproof glass bowl. Allow the bowl to rest above the pot of boiling water, stir till melted and remove the melted cannabutter and chocolate from the bowl into another glass bowl, and allow to cool slightly. Now you will add the remaining chopped chocolate to the mix along with the pure peppermint extract and return to cover the simmering pot of water until the mixture is melted.

  3. In a medium bowl whisk your cane sugar and eggs together, fold in the chocolate cannabutter mixture till it has a thick glossy consistency. Sprinkle the flour and salt into the mix only till combined, do not over mix. Spread the mix onto the 9x13 parchment covered baking pan. Take the separate chocolate peppermint mix, and spoon by dollops onto the mixture that you have spread into the baking pan. Take a knife and swirl the dolloped mixture through the rest of the mix that you put in the baking pan.

  4. Place the pan in the pre-heated oven for 15 minutes, remove from oven and sprinkle the crushed candy canes that you previously crushed, on top of the brownies. Place back into the oven for 10 to 15 minutes more. A simple test to see if the brownies are ready involves inserting a toothpick in the center of the pan; if it comes out clean, the brownies are ready to be removed from the oven. Wait for the brownies to cool in the pan for 2 hours before cutting into squares and serving.

Note to self; as with all edibles remember the golden rule, go low and slow to enjoy your sweet delight to the fullest.

Cannabis infusedeight flavored brownie and cookie bar recipe
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