
The U.S. legalizes industrial hemp with the Farm Bill

Published Mar 6, 2019 03:21 p.m. ET

Trump government legalizes cannabis oil

The passing of the U.S. Farm Bill on December 20th has opened the gates, providing a potential rapid growth in the CBD market. The legalization of the industrial hemp plant in the U.S. is a landmark in marijuana history.

The passing of this bill has potentially re-written the definition of marijuana as we know it. Industrial hemp laws have changed, they will now exclude industrial hemp plants and industrial hemp oil from the legal definition of marijuana. Hemp is now all parts of the cannabis sativa plant. It must not contain any more than 0.3% of THC by dry weight. CBD will also be classed as legal if it is derived from “non-psychoactive hemp”. This will include cannabinoids, extracts and derivatives. The Bill has removed hemp-based CBD from the controlled substance on the DEA’s list. It will also give the power to each state to individually be involved in the sale of CBD products that are made from hemp.

The 800 million-dollar U.S. hemp market is mainly sales of CBD products. These sales include gummies, skin lotion, and beer. The market projection for CBD is 2-3 billion dollars in sales by the year 2021.

There’s a problem in the stance of the FDA and the DEA on whether the whole plant was legalized or not. Did this include the flowering tops of the plant so long as they fell under the 0.3% guideline? To date, this problem has not been addressed. CBD products can be purchased legally on-line or over-the-counter (OTC). The products are classed as dietary supplements. If you are looking to purchase a marijuana derived CBD product, you need to be a qualifying patient in America, in a state that has legalized the use for medical reasons. The states that provide recreational use of marijuana are included in the legal purchasing of CBD oil.


CBD regulations: The need for safety regulations in the quality of the product and the consistency of the CBD product will all fall under the guidelines. It is worth mentioning that these things may have been overlooked by the Farm Bill.

Regulations demand that labeling ingredients that are in the CBD oil you are purchasing. The method of extraction will also be transparent.

Yes, the passing of this Bill will indeed allow more legal CBD products on the market. This will encourage you, the consumer to do your hemp homework.  Read the label to ensure that what you are buying does contain legal and safe products.

Here are a few CBD products worth trying:

  1. Tinctures which usually offer higher concentrations of CBD
  2. Concentrates contain 10 times the amount of CBD that is in the average CBD product on the market.
  3. Capsule provide a good way to implement CBD in your diet
  4. Topicals can come in the form of lotions lip balms and salves.
  5. Sprays are noted as having the least concentration of CBD among CBD products.
  6. Vaping juices provide weaker effects when they are compared to the other methods. They may be more beneficial and provide a better consistent dose.


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