Does Trump have issues with a marijuana policy for veterans?

Published May 20, 2019 01:02 p.m. ET
Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash

Veterans are committing suicide at a national rate in the United States, and still, Trump refuses to allow the veterans medical help from marijuana. There were three bills presented in Congress recently, all of which would help the veteran to obtain legal marijuana.

  1. One bill would allow healthcare providers to recommend veterans who qualify for state recommended legal, medical cannabis. The current Federal marijuana policy prohibits this action to be taken
  2. A second bill would allow the VA to test and conduct a clinical study on the benefits and the risks of medical marijuana
  3. The third bill would assist the veteran as currently they can be stripped of their benefits if they consume state legal cannabis.

Unfortunately, the Trump administration declined all three bills. This decision is deplorable. On an average day in the U.S.A., about 20 military veterans die a day. This is often caused by chronic pain, PTSD, and sadly, there are other service-related conditions that are part of the problem. At present, these veterans are using opioids to mask the pain. Cannabis is used but can be only obtained outside of the VA medical system.

The Trump administration refused to help the veterans get safe, legal relief from their service-related conditions.

In 2017, the VA reformed a policy that stated a veteran could lose their lifelong benefits if marijuana showed in their system. However, this policy could be easily changed as it is not codified protection by law: President Trump opposes codifying this policy into law.

As the current cannabis legislation reads in the United States, it remains difficult for informative clinical studies on the benefits and risks associated with the use of marijuana for addressing the Veteran’s service-related injuries.

Currently, Congress is considering that this may be a beneficial bill. However, Mr. Trump opposes it. He is against providing relief for the men and women who have made it possible for him to have a free country to be President in.


If you are still questioning whether the president of the United States of America is for, or against a marijuana policy for veterans, ask one that is suffering from pain, anxiety PTSD.  Opioid addiction is running wild throughout the country. Medical marijuana may be an answer to helping this dire situation that the country has found itself in.

Trump's words speak load and clear to the Veteran, he will continue to deny the veteran who fought for his rights to the treatment, that may be able to alleviate their issues. As stated earlier, the number of service people dying from suicide in the united states is staggering. To deny someone the benefits of marijuana and its healing qualities is not only unfair but cruel. The service woman and men deserve more.

To be fair, we have only touched on the medical side of cannabis legalization in the States and how Mr. Trump's actions affect those in need. Recreational use on the Federal side is still a huge issue.

Thoughts to keep in mind for the future as the 2020 elections are on the rise in the States: it is noteworthy to mention that out of the 20 declared candidates that are vying for the coveted position, only two are against cannabis legalization. Mr. Trump is one of the two.



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