How to celebrate your kids first day back to school with cannabis

Published Sep 14, 2020 01:00 p.m. ET
iStock / SeventyFour

We don’t often discuss kids here at Cannabis.wiki, but we’re pros at how to spend the precious time that you have all to yourself, and with the first day right around the corner for most Canadian children, it’s a time that many parents are celebrating. Since this year is going to be even more stressful for everyone from the teary-eyed parents to the excited children, we thought it’d be fitting to start the year off with a bang of a list that can help you to enjoy these rare moments with a bit of green.

1. Soak in a nice hot bath

Whether you opt for a good old fashioned smoke and soak, or you prefer a more elegant cannabis bath bomb added to the tub, there is no better way to relax, and it will literally melt the aches, pains and stresses away with the help of some steaming hot water and a bit of music, which is exactly what you might need to enjoy this amazing day.

2. Go for a kid-free adventure

Now that you’ve sent the kiddies off to learn about the world, it’s the ideal time for you to head out and explore it. Swing by that fancy new vape lounge that has just opened up downtown, or pop into the dispensary that caught your eye just the other day. If those aren’t options, then you can hit up some local trails or catch a movie after catching a buzz. We promise that you’ll be glad you took the time for you.

3. Smoke a fat one and hang out in your pj’s (before it gets too late in the day)

Sometimes it feels good to get things done when the kids finally leave the house, as we’ve got an entire summer of insanity to make up for, but the school year is only just beginning, so if you aren’t feeling up to it, why not put the cleaners and rag away, and hang out in your pj’s while catching up on the latest shows from Netflix. Of course, this is best early in the day, so that you have enough time for the effects to wear off, but it could be the perfect way to celebrate your kids heading back to school.

4. Get the house clean


Sometimes the best vacation is a staycation, and in this case, you might be the most satisfied from spending the entire day catching up on all of the things that you’ve been putting off all summer. You can throw on some upbeat music, grab out some snacks, and puff your way through every single chore, fix, or errand that you’ve meant to get to so that by the time everyone's home, you feel at ease and complete.

5. Indulge in a treat just for you

When the kids are spending all of their time at home, we adults tend to avoid certain things that might be risky. One of those things could be as simple as sugar or as intoxicating as edibles, but either way now is the time to think of a guilty pleasure that you’ve been craving so that you can get one and have the whole thing to yourself. You might not get a whole lot done afterward, but it’s one of the best ways that we can think of to celebrate back to school with cannabis.

Back to school plans got you stressed?

Every school year starts with a lot of emotion, worry, and unrest, but this year is far different than any other. Most Canadian kids have been home since schools closed over March break before the end of the last school year, so it’s been a really long time since anyone has had much for stability or routine that they’re used to.

To top all of that off, the risk of COVID-19 still lingers, but despite that life must go on, so don’t feel discouraged. Make sure to take breaks whenever you feel that it might help, and to celebrate even the smallest milestones, as we all know that tomorrows are no longer guaranteed, and while you do that, don’t be afraid of using helpful tools like cannabis that can make coping with all of this insanity just a little bit easier.

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