Five reasons to smoke weed over march break

Published Feb 23, 2023 11:34 a.m. ET
Unsplash / Glen Carrie 

With Christmas and New Year’s in the rearview mirror many are looking forward to the break they’ll get in the middle of March. Parents won’t have to rush to get the kids ready for school or waste time-making lunches the night before. College and university students will get some much-needed rest to recharge and unwind so they can return to class the very best version of themselves, and many choose to book time off for a highly anticipated vacation that took several months' worth of saving.

No matter which end of the spectrum you fall on, this week-long holiday is bound to be just what you need to de-stress, and here we’ll show you five reasons why adding cannabis to your to-do list might be the icing on the metaphorical cake.

1. There are fewer important things to do

Even if you’re someone who doesn’t normally indulge on the regular, March break is the perfect time to go all in since there are very few important things that will need to get done over this next week, so you won’t have to worry about getting called out at the last minute. Take a few edibles, roll up some dank bud, and pack several bowls over this vacation without a single care in the world. You’ll be so glad that you did.

2. It’s a great way to relax and recharge

Many choose to travel over the long break, while others are too busy wrangling their kids to really go far, and these are stressful things to deal with despite the fact that this is the best time to unwind, relax and recharge. Luckily, cannabis can help you to reach that ideal state of mind, without causing sedation beyond the extent of being able to do some fun things along the way. When you need to sit still, there’s nothing more therapeutic than a few puffs or a couple of edibles to make the journey more tolerable.

3. Cannabis is much safer than alcohol


At home, with parents and family members who grew up with alcohol as the only legal and socially acceptable way to relax, it’s easy to fall back on those habits, but it’s a dangerous choice with risks that far outweigh the benefits. Cannabis on the other hand is completely safe as long as it’s consumed responsibly. Alcohol is literally poison, so why on earth would you want to use it during this time that’s supposed to be spent healing, unwinding, and recharging?

4. It may help to alleviate aches and pains

We’re so used to always moving, and once a holiday like March break comes along the only thing we really want to do is sit back, relax, binge some of our favorite shows, and maybe complete a project or two we’ve been putting off. This shift in pace is likely to leave you feeling stiff, sore, and out of shape even if you’re normally a relatively healthy and active soul. Luckily, cannabis can help to alleviate the soreness, so that you’re not put completely out of commission for the week.

5. The right strains should help your body to heal

The faced-paced lifestyles of today are difficult to maintain and they can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds in ways we try to ignore in an attempt to keep on going. This week-long break is supposed to be all about healing, breathing, and taking it easy. If you want to head back to class recharged and energized then you’re going to need to take the time to heal and these cannabis strains are perfect for that.

  • Dutch Treat
  • Northern Lights
  • Blue Dream
  • Sour Diesel
  • LA Confidential
Cannabis terpenes for the ultimate sense of relaxation


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