Cannabis friendly vacation spots in 2020

Published Feb 15, 2020 02:00 p.m. ET
iStock / The Cannabiz Agency

It’s that time to start thinking about where your travel plans for 2020 will take you. Cannabis legalization or decriminalization is in more countries than you thought, so you can enjoy your vacation while partaking in cannabis. Canada had the insight of being the second country to legalize cannabis use for medical and recreational use in the world. However, they are not the only cannabis-friendly nation. If you are looking forward to lying on a sunny beach while enjoying your spliff, there are a few bright spots that will welcome you.

Ecuador & Peru

Columbia is pretty lenient on the green bud. Columbia decriminalized up to 22 grams for personal use, they legalized the use of cannabis for medical reasons and they permitted individuals to cultivate up to twenty plants for their own consumption without fear of persecution, risk-free. Enjoy your weed at the residence you are staying in so long as you have been permitted to do so.


Wedged between Argentina and Brazil, this country opened the eyes of many when they legalized cannabis in 2014. The country not only legalized cannabis use, but the sale and the cultivation for medical and recreational purposes. Legalizing marijuana was not to lure cannabis users into purchasing from this country, the sanctioning pertained to actual residents; you cannot legally buy cannabis unless you reside there. Before hitting the beach or purchasing your herbs, you must register officially with the government.

Sri Lanka

Cannabis has been used for religious, spiritual ceremonies, and traditional medicine for years. The Ayurveda Act of the 1980s secured the use of cannabis for those purposes as being legally protected actions. Some of the doctors today prescribe cannabis for the treatment of specific conditions. Cultivation is permitted by the government or by government-sanctioned growers.


Sri Lanka's neighbour to its north has the same leniency policies surrounding cannabis.  Technically, cannabis is illegal. However, marijuana can be purchased from government-owned stores. Bhang, a form of milkshake containing weed, is available at these stores. Some Indian states have decriminalized or legalized cannabis for personal use. This makes it much easier to continue using your cannabis while on your vacation.

Laos & Cambodia

Here, not only is cannabis culturally accepted, but it is readily available to enhance your vacation. Technically it is still illegal; however, restaurants will prepare "happy" dishes; this usually means the dish is infused with THC. Perfect for a pre-beach lunch before hitting the sunny beaches.


The beautiful scenery and beaches in the land of down under are even more enjoyable when you can indulge in the green herb. Medical use is accepted throughout the country, and personal recreational use has been decriminalized in the following states, South Australia, Australia's Capital Territory, and Australia's Northern Territory. 2016 saw the first cannabis clubs opening up, making a great place to stop in before heading to your sunny beach retreat.



Weed has only been decriminalized here since 2015. This law allows you to have up to 2 ounces or five plants for personal use while living on the sunny island. Irie feelings are safe to experience while on the island for the vacationer who yearns for the sun, sand, music, and the green bud.

Trinidad and Tobago

Cannabis is decriminalized on the island, and medical marijuana or marijuana for research or religious reasons is legal. Hope your guest house is private, Cannabis smoking is not allowed in public places, or while operating a motor vehicle. Enjoy your high experience while hanging around your residence before heading out to a public venue.


2017 saw the decriminalization of cannabis in the amounts of 10 grams.  So long as you are smoking in your home or someone else home with permission, you can safely enjoy your recreational or medicinal cannabis while seeking the warm sun.

Costa Rica

Although it is not legal here, there are no legal penalties. Smoking weed is widespread and has no legal penalties attached. Here you can feel comfortable lying on the beach, soaking up the rays while enjoying your joint.


2017 March saw the First Woke Country to Provide Medical Marijuana For Free. You will not be arrested for recreational possession of the green goddess while enjoying your sunny cultural vacation here. This has been the law for almost ten years in this country.

Cannabis events coming to Canada in 2020


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