
10 Fun venues that could easily convert to a cannabis-friendly model

Published Oct 6, 2020 01:00 p.m. ET
iStock / underworld111

Canada has legalized cannabis, and yet, it’s still incredibly hard to find things to do for the average stoner at heart, and that is because we are relatively limited in our offerings due to federal regulations that prohibit the sale of cannabis products anywhere other than a licensed dispensary. It’s kind of taken the fun out of what so many of us had hoped that legalization would be, but the future is ripe for changes, and you might be surprised to find out just how many of your favourite places could easily convert to a more pot-friendly model that would appeal to consumers.

1. Hotels

Think of the last time that you visited a hotel and all of the things that they had to offer there. These venues are literally designed to offer the luxuries of home away from home, and it’s not uncommon for them to serve alcohol to guests so that they can unwind at the end of the day, but someday, they will also serve cannabis. Imagine checking in for your stay and not having to worry about locating the nearest dispensary. It’s a traveling stoner’s dream come true and the perfect financially beneficial model for a cannabis-related business.

2. Coffee shops

Coffee shops are sort of universally thought of as the ultimate chill spot to meet up with friends or relax alone. A space that can accommodate your basic need for fuel in the form of caffeine and while curing the worst cases of the munchies with delicious goods like muffins and cookies, but someday we could see the rise of the cannabis café, a hybrid idea where people could go to buy a few edibles to enjoy with a hot cup of brew, or a joint to take outside. This combination is a hit in places like Colorado, so it shouldn’t be long before we see them in Canada too.

3. Spas

When you go to the spa, it’s typically for the opportunity to unwind somewhere where you can avoid all of the stresses of day to day life. Sometimes we visit for a soak in a hot tub or sauna, and in some spas, you can even score a relaxing massage. Though only a few of these places serve alcohol or anything else for that matter, we can think of no better way to sit back and enjoy a buzz, which is why this is one of the most compatible business ideas on this list that no one thought of yet.

4. Restaurants

Cannabis lovers often visit restaurants after they’ve realized that they’ve got a bad case of the munchies that cannot be satisfied with anything that they have the energy or ingredients to make at home, but the problem with eating is that it tends to ruin your buzz, but if your local chef offered elegant cannabis-infused foods, then you wouldn’t have to worry about that any more, would you? This idea would mean that those who prefer pot could enjoy its benefits alongside their drinking friends, and that’s all any of us really want in the end, isn’t it?

5. Bars

Visiting bars and clubs can be a whole lot of fun, especially if you’ve got the right strains in tow to keep your body and mind pumping, but right now, you have to leave your local bar if you want to partake in cannabis, and most servers are even trained to refuse service to anyone who may be under the influence of the drug. So while this is an excellent compatible business model that could be adjusted to serve stoners, this, unfortunately, might be one of the last conversions of a venue that we get to see come to fruition, as fear of combining alcohol with weed lingers.

6. Salons


Getting a haircut can be a refreshing experience, but it can also be nerve-racking, especially if you're trying on something new. Some salons offer hot towels, steams, and scalp massages to lessen the strain and relax you during your visit, but could you imagine how amazing it would be if you could spend those couple of hours sipping on some cannabis-infused juice or munching on edibles while you got your hair and nails done? Of course, the timing would be everything for it to work, but it still sounds like a great opportunity for a unique experience.

7. Theaters

Cannabis is well known for its ability to help users to get lost in something that doesn’t require a whole lot of energy to keep up, and watching movies falls into that category with ease. Right now, most theaters sell fizzy drinks, sugary treats, and even food to keep you going during a long screening, but think about how much better a movie could be if you could get high in front of the big screen? Whether theaters completely convert to allow for smoking sections, or they adapt to provide a safe space for tokers to slip out without having to miss any of their movies to do it, this change is bound to happen and soon.

8. Airports

Flying is a pretty regular part of many people's lives, as we live in a global society that is incredibly connected with ease, but it's still a pretty stressful time for many, as well as one that can’t be spent smoking. For obvious reasons, you can’t toke on a plane, but the airports could offer you a dose of relaxation just before departing and upon your arrival to help make the transition just a little bit easier for cannabis-loving passengers. Since so many already serve alcohol, it also isn’t a stretch to assume that eventually, they’ll serve edibles too, to help to quell the nerves and jet lag as needed.

9. Arcades

If there is anything that complements the effects of cannabis, it’s video games, and though old fashioned arcades are few and far between these days, gaming will likely be one of the first industries to work towards incorporating cannabis products. Imagine how fantastic it would be to pop a couple of edibles before battling your friends for the number one spot in virtual reality, or something older like PacMan. It would make it easier to immerse yourself into a world of fantasy, thoroughly completing the experience by offering the luxuries that you’d enjoy at home while doing the same thing.

10. Waterparks and theme parks

We have a great number of theme parks and water parks in Canada, and almost every single one of them serves alcohol to adult visitors as long as they can show the appropriate identification. It’s considered to be a safe way to wind down and cool off during the summer months, but these venues don’t have much to offer cannabis consumers, yet. Someday, it will very likely be normal to see cannabis-infused drinks, edibles, and even specialty consumption areas that cater to stoners who want to get out and spend their hard-earned cash for a day of fun, and we can’t wait to see it.

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