Martha Stewart partners with Canopy Growth Inc

Published Mar 23, 2019 01:33 p.m. ET

Martha Stewart, the infamous consumer icon has officially announced a partnership with Canopy Growth to introduce a brand-new line of CBD products to the market. This isn’t just a sales gig either as Stewart has taken up the role of adviser on the project she fondly refers to as Project Sensible Products. From there Martha will oversee the planning, designing, marketing, and sales of the project. A lot of people are wondering how CanopyGrowth managed to obtain an ideal arrangement with someone who boasts deeply held moral values. The truth is that Stewart never had an issue with marijuana, but the products that Canopy Growth will be selling are set to contain hemp plants instead of cannabis.

It all began just over four years ago when rapper and marijuana connoisseur Snoop Dogg contacted the CEO of Canopy Growth to work on a project. At first, he says he didn’t believe it was really the artist until his receptionist confirmed that it was, in fact, a real request from Mr. Snoop himself to work in collaboration on a business deal that saw Tweed Inc and Canopy work together long term. After the first few months of working together, Snoop introduced Martha to the Canopy Growth CEO who immediately took an interest in what her iconic brand could bring to both the company and the marijuana industry. With loyal followers from almost every demographic Steward offers a unique and wholesome image that is expected to provide a much-needed boost to sales and branding. With cannabis stocks within the company dropping 1% over the last few months many investors are holding back to see how the market plays out before getting into the game.

What’s happening now

Martha now hosts seminars on the cannabis implication effect for tobacco and alcohol fighting for legislation across America that will see marijuana legalized for both recreational and medicinal purposes. As the joint effort product line is being developed Canopy Growth is currently clinical trials of their own to develop CBD products that they know will work most efficiently for health issues like insomnia, nausea, MS, Alzheimer's, and Crohn's Disease. Though CG has tried to reach out to some of the world’s largest corporations like Coke and Pepsi for financial backing, the industry is too new for long term players who won’t willingly bet on an unsure thing. Instead, they will work away diligently to develop their own CBD products beginning with a CBD drink.


Hemp CBD products

The very first hemp infused product that is currently under development is an infused drink line that includes a little of everything from infused tea, hot chocolate, and coffee, to other medicated options like carbonated pop, juice, and milk. So far we don’t know exactly what they will look like, just that they won’t be sporting the Martha Stewart name just yet. It seems even she is a little hesitant to place too much of her reputation on the line without a little more positive feedback from consumers. Though we aren’t entirely certain what will be next for them, one thing is for sure, and that’s the fact that this CBD product line is likely going to be the largest and most based in medical science of its kind.



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