
How are we doing post legalization?

Published May 3, 2019 01:22 p.m. ET
AP Photo/Thomas Peipert

Stores in most provinces could sell cannabis since last fall. Ontario consumers, unfortunately, could only purchase online, there were to be no brick and mortar stores approved till April 1, 2019. The government assumed that with legalization, most consumers would not be purchasing from the black market. However, reports show that a third of the Canadians using cannabis still chose to buy from their personal suppliers. That percentage feel that they will always be using the personal source and have no intention of purchasing the legal way.

The 1st legal 420 celebrations were not what was expected in Ontario. The number of stores opened were few. People were still smoking and enjoying the day, but the majority of the smokers did not purchase their buds through legal means.

Health Canada believes that the supply of cannabis is not part of the problem. However, they do blame the supply chain. Converting the raw product through the finished product and distributing it to the customers via the retailer is the issue as Health Canada sees’ it.

LP’s sales have dropped in the last quarter claiming the issue is supply shortages, packaging, and distribution. Additional LP’s have been employed to boost supplies addressing an increase to the cultivating and selling licenses issued by Health Canada.

What are we paying for our weed post cannabis regulations that allow us to legally possess, purchase and consume?

On the average $10.00 a gram is the going price for a legal sale.

Purchasing from the grey market, you will likely pay on the average $6.38 a gram these are figures released by Statistic Canada. Approximately 54% of consumers admit to purchasing their herb from illegal sources.

The illegal pot shops are still doing a booming business, 50% of those buying pot through illegal means say they will continue to for the following reasons:

• Accessibility
• Quality
• Variety


Trudeau tells us that the issues with shortage will be resolved within the year.

So let’s look at the overall picture since legalization:

• The good: The legalization goals were to make sure that cannabis is kept out of children’s and youths’ hands
That illegal marijuana sales would be reduced
Ensuring that consumers across Canada would be supplied with safe quality cannabis

• The Bad: Demands were not met
Supplies were short
Shortage on the counts
Delivery times too long for Ontario consumers who could only purchase on-line

• The Ugly: The goal for eliminating criminal charges for possessions of 30 grams or less, is only half completed. Expungement of records needs to be completed for those eligible for the pardon. Doing pardons is not completing the job-no point in going half way with promises.

Promises were made that there would be a strict system for enforcing production and distribution. This would be accompanied with a heavy focus on quality and safety. However, this did not happen. Mold has been reported on produce. Companies have recalled batches. Medical marijuana users have reported shortages and delays in receiving their medication.

As we wait for the arrival of edibles being legal on the market, one has to wonder will the same shortages and challenges arise?



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