
Why you should stimulate your endocannabinoid system without cannabis

Published Mar 23, 2019 09:01 a.m. ET

When a person inhales or ingests cannabis, their endocannabinoid system is what reacts to the introduction of THC in their body. What many people don’t realize is that the same chemicals our brains produce when we get high, make us feels happy and relaxed as well. These chemicals are created under other, non-marijuana related circumstances. To begin we will explain what the endocannabinoid system is, what it does, and some of the best ways to accomplish endocannabinoid optimization without the use of pot.

What is the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system that is found in the human body is named after the plant first responsible for its discovery. It is often considered to be one of the essential psychological controlling systems within the human body and is responsible for the release of chemicals such as dopamine that make the user feel an overall sense of happy and calm. The endocannabinoid system is located in almost every portion of the human body, though the main release takes place in the brain. The receptors that absorb and utilize the THC are almost everywhere within us and reacts to a lot more than the introduction of THC. The system creates its cannabinoids naturally when certain conditions are met.

Why is it important to learn endocannabinoid optimization?

It is essential especially for those who partake in the regular use of marijuana to exercise their endocannabinoid system using other methods that differ from smoking pot. This is because the release of dopamine and other naturally produced chemicals is necessary for facilitating a healthy state of mind. Prolonged reliance on THC alone to garner those feelings can leave the user’s brain dependent on the chemical THC to produce what are considered to be healthy or average levels of cortisone and dopamine.

How to achieve Endocannabinoid Optimization through other means

Since the endocannabinoid system is something that is naturally at work throughout your daily activities, it isn’t necessary to ingest marijuana or cannabis-derived products to stimulate the release of those feel-good chemicals. Two different types of cannabinoids can activate the endocannabinoid receptors through the body. The first is Phytocannabinoids which includes THC and CBD and many other plant-derived cannabinoids. The second is called endocannabinoids which are naturally produced by the human body under certain circumstances. Here we will be showing you how to use both to stimulate your endocannabinoid system through cannabis receptors in the brain.

1. Caffeine
The caffeine found in either pop, coffee or tea can give your endocannabinoid system a boost. Most researchers agree that the cannabinoid system is responsible for the psychoactive properties of both caffeine and cannabis. If you opt for tea, then you will also benefit from its rich, healthy antioxidants that have both neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory characteristics.


2. Endocannabinoids and exercise
Exercise is one of the healthiest ways to boost your endocannabinoid system, and it’s also easy to do just about anywhere. You will need to achieve a medium to high-intensity workout that lasts for at least 10-20 minutes to properly utilize this option. Exercise has also shown to improve memory, decrease stress, and increase levels of cannabinoid signaling within the cannabinoid receptors. The problem with this is that it will not work the same for everyone. One person's enjoyable workout session might stress another person out when they attempt it. You want a regime that you are entirely comfortable with to have the best results.

3. Cold Exposure
Exposure to lower temperatures will increase your endocannabinoid levels by stimulating the endocannabinoid system. To use cold exposure to achieve endocannabinoid optimization you can opt for cold showers or at least finish with a cold rinse, take timed walks in the cold with minimal clothing, or by cooling one portion of your body like immersing your face, hands, legs, or feet in cold water.

4. Flavonoids
Flavonoids are one kind of plant compound that is found most frequently in fruits and vegetables. Cannabinoids in chocolate, tea, wine, nuts, spices, and herbs also contain some of them. The best way to predict how effective a flavonoid will be at stimulating your endocannabinoid system is to look at the colors of it. In general, the brighter and more colorful something is the more effective it will be. The plants will also come with enzymes to help your body to break down the cannabinoids like genistein, kaempferol, 7hydroxyflavone, and 3-7 dihydroxyflavone.

5. Sex
Hormones produced by both men and women will stimulate the endocannabinoid system. Testosterone (male hormones) and estradiol (female hormones) are released alongside levels of plasma that can dramatically increase an individual's endocannabinoid levels.

Benefits of stimulating the Endocannabinoid system

The cannabis receptors in the brain will produce endocannabinoid levels that can dramatically affect a person's overall health. Those who have low levels of endocannabinoids are at higher risk of suffering from:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Sleep issues
  • Parkinson’s
  • Fibromyalgia

Those who can maintain healthy levels of endocannabinoids can benefit from:

  • Lower levels of stress or anxiety.
  • Increased feelings of optimism.
  • Improved overall mood.
  • Better ability to concentrate or focus.
  • Less impulsivity or hyperactivity.
  • Drop in cortisol levels.
  • Better and deeper sleep.
  • Fewer migraines or headaches.
  • Reduced amounts of inflammation within the body.


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