On the fence about trying CBD oil? Here's ten reasons to try it

Published Apr 29, 2019 12:30 p.m. ET
Canadian Press, Chad Hipolito

In a world that has become overly reliant on pharmaceutical treatment that comes with a range of potentially dangerous side effects like addiction, enhanced aging, and more, it can be difficult to believe that such a new and often taboo product could be just as beneficial as other more familiar and traditional options. This is why education on the different elements derived from cannabis or hemp plants is critical to the evolution of the medical CBD products industry. To help we will break down some of the basics here on how and why CBD oil is so beneficial for a variety of different reasons, as well as the newly discovered recreational focused aspects to consider.

What does CBD stand for?

CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol which is an element that is naturally produced by cannabis plants but is found in the most significant amounts in industrial hemp strains.

What is cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol is an element that was discovered in 1940 that is present in many cannabis and hemp extracts. It is a non-psychoactive active cannabinoid that interacts with the bodies CB1 and CB2 receptors to stimulate the release of naturally produced chemicals in the user’s body.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is an extracted concentrate that is derived from hemp plants. Though some homemade CBD oils might contain THC since they are generally reproduced using cannabis plants, mass producers use hemp plants that contain none of the psychoactive component called THC.

How to use CBD oil

How you decide to use CBD oil will depend on the results you are looking to achieve. If you are treating a painful topical skin condition, than an even layer spread over the area is the most direct method of treatment available, but alternatively orally administering a dose of CBD oil will work almost as well, just not as quickly. CBD oil is typically taken orally by either placing several drops directly under the tongue or rubbing some of the oil along the bottom gum line where it will be immediately absorbed into the person’s bloodstream.  

Where to buy CBD oil

When I am asked where to buy CBD oil, I recommend that people search for a CBD oil provider that specializes in their particular needs. For instance, if you are using CBD for recreational reasons than a regulated dispensary is likely your safest bet. However, if you want to treat a furry companion, or are seeking other health benefits instead, than a health supplement store or drug store will have everything that you need. Some people are surprised to find out that you can order CBD oil safely and legally almost anywhere in the world, and with marijuana legalization now implemented in much of the world, there are a lot more franchises and stores that are willing to carry and promote CBD products to suit almost any need.


Top ten reasons you should try CBD oil

1. Anti-Inflammatory
CBD is jam packed with anti-inflammatory properties that can help to alleviate swelling, stiffness, and pain caused by inflammation. That is why CBD is so beneficial for those with conditions like arthritis, heart disease, and lupus.

2. Hormone regulation
CBD oil works by interacting with our endocannabinoids systems to interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors that are responsible for the production and regulation of natural hormones like estrogen and pituitary hormone secretion. A low hormone issue can lead to problems with PMS, fertility, and create headaches.
3. Blood pressure regulation
According to the Journal of Clinical Investigation CBD oil was able to regulate the blood pressure in just over 80% of patients when administered in consistent and significant portioned doses.

4. Recreation
Though it was originally believed that CBD oil was only useful for health benefits, there is now plenty of research that shows there is just as much to be gained from using CBD recreationally. In larger doses, CBD can help to lower the effects of THC, and in smaller amounts, it can magnify the sensations that THC induces. Effectively increasing a high and adding potency to whatever cannabis products are consumed.

5. Anti-seizure
According to the American Epileptic Society, CBD is now recognized for its potential in treating patients who have been diagnosed with epilepsy and other seizure causing conditions. Clinical studies resulted in just over 90% of treated patients garnering some level of relief, and 30% of participants experienced a complete disappearance of their symptoms. The only problem so far that researchers are slightly concerned with it that over time larger doses are required to obtain the same effect, but since CBD is non psychoactive and non-toxic that isn’t much of a problem.

6. Digestive aid
A healthy appetite is essential to every living thing. CBD oil can help to increase appetite while easing other common digestive symptoms like pain, nausea, or vomiting.

7. Pain relief
CBD oil contains cannabidiol which binds to the bodies CB1 receptors which can trigger the release of chemicals to help with pain relief and inflammation.

8. Control cancer & symptoms
Though clinical studies are still few and far between of the effectiveness of treating cancer using CBD oil, there have been three to date which all showed a dramatic decrease in tumor growth with the administering of CBD oil regularly. For those who don’t see this sort of change, there is still the benefit of easing cancer and cancer treatment symptoms including pain, nausea, lack of appetite, and swelling.

9. Antipsychotic
Conditions like schizophrenia can be challenging to manage with medications we have available to us today, but CBD can not only help to manage occurring symptoms, it can also prevent the condition from ever surfacing in a person in small regular doses.

10. Anxiety relief
In 2004 scientists performed a clinical study on 24 patients who were all diagnosed with SAD (social anxiety disorder). 600mg of CBD per day was able to significantly reduce the feelings of anxiety and depression in participants, which gives it a score higher than at least three commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals that are often used to manage symptoms.



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