
Eating and smoking weed while sick

Published Jan 29, 2019 01:39 p.m. ET

 With cannabis being so widely touted as a miracle homeopathic cure-all treatment. Many are wondering if the same effect should be expected when smoking cannabis while feeling under the weather. The truth is marijuana can have both positive and negative impacts depending on several things, including the user’s sensitivity- the reason for the user’s symptoms and what symptoms exactly you are trying to control by ingesting pot. So, to answer the ultimate question, is it bad to smoke weed while sick? We will break down the benefits and some of the downsides to medicating with cannabis while ill.

Does weed help with allergies?

Allergy sufferers are in luck. THC and CBD have proven to alleviate the decrease of airflow in the user’s airway caused by allergies making breathing easier. THC and CBD also help to control the body’s production of mast cells which are white blood cells that react when an allergen is introduced. Usually, when a person is exposed to an allergen, they will create histamines which creates the stereotypical allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, rashes and watery eyes. The introduction of cannabis interrupts that process allowing the user to feel either mild symptoms or none. The cannabinoids in marijuana will also help to relieve inflammation, open breathing passageways, reduce nasal pressure, manage pain of all sorts and aids the user obtain a more solid sleep. The potential caveat of this general rule is that some sufferers could potentially be allergic or sensitive to allergens that have contaminated the pot itself. In that case, there is a chance smoking weed could exacerbate the user’s symptoms.

Does weed help with a cold?

A cold is one of the few things that smoking weed is not recommended for as it hasn’t shown much ability to help vs. the adverse effects like added congestion and further irritation of a sore throat. That doesn’t mean that pot is useless for the common cold. It just means it’s best to consider other methods of ingestion such as eating it. Eating edibles with a cold is a whole different ball game. The benefits of eating THC or CBD with a cold range from overall relaxation and assistance sleeping, to relief from muscles aches and pains and of course stimulating appetite which can be hard for many during a rough cold. You can still get the inflammatory and pain reducing benefits from edibles as you would from smoking and the effects will last longer.

Does weed help with the flu?


There is a widely accepted but unproven belief that ingesting marijuana while you have the flu may suppress the user’s immune system which could interrupt the bodies attempt at fighting the illness. What this means is that there is a potential for the flu to stick around a little longer if using cannabis particularly for those who are heavy users. That doesn’t mean that it has no potential benefit that could outweigh this since it merely slows down the process. So those who may have compromised immune systems, to begin with, may want to steer clear of marijuana during the flu. Smoking weed during the flu can help users to alleviate body aches and pains, stimulate appetite, combat nausea, and improve the user’s quality of sleep.

Does smoking weed help with asthma?

Since asthma is a consistent agitation of the lungs, it is not recommended to smoke pot. Instead, those seeking relief from asthmatic symptoms such as constricted breathing should be treating themselves with edibles. Edibles have absolutely no negative effect on the lungs and will not create additional phlegm like smoking which could agitate the user’s condition further.  However as mentioned before, marijuana has shown the ability to relax those same muscles that constrict and block off airways of people living with asthma. It will also calm the user which will lengthen the time between attacks that are brought on by anxiety or panic causing rapid breathing.

Overall cannabis can be an incredibly useful aid in the treatment of a variety of illnesses and offers different benefits depending on the method of ingestion. If you are specifically seeking anti-inflammatory properties without a high, then a CBD pure strain or oil may be the best option for you. For most, the therapeutic effects of simply being high are enough of a benefit to continue consuming marijuana through any illness. It’s recommended that all cannabis users take into consideration both the negative and positive effects before choosing to self-medicate with marijuana. If you have concerns, then speak with your healthcare provider who may be able to alleviate or confirm any worries you may have before you try it.



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