
Clinical trials on CBD to fight COVID-19 to start soon

Published May 4, 2020 12:00 p.m. ET
iStock / Jose S

CBD has some fantastic benefits, and right now, clinical trials are underway on the anti-inflammatory benefits. CBD is being studied as alternative medicine. Could CBD research potentially lead to a treatment or even a cure for the deadly COVID-19 virus?

How we can help in this journey of finding a vaccine is dependent on a few simple, yet hard to follow rules. Responsibility is paramount as we, the global public, fight this deadly and silent enemy. To do that you must:

  • Wash, wash, wash your hands and often for at least 20 seconds
  • No more puff puff pass, respiratory drops can spread the virus
  • Know when to say NO if you think you are sick
  • Keep social distancing - 6ft should be your new favourite number (other than 420)
  • Stay informed and follow information sites like to stay current on information regarding COVID-19

The new CBD research is being conducted by Israeli scientists who are hoping to show that cannabis has a decisive role in the slowing or stopping of the coronavirus. However, it is important to note that Israeli scientists are not promoting smoking cannabis, as this could exacerbate the deadly virus COVID-19.

The researchers in Israel are looking at the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD that can repair damaged cells. The small cell structures that are created when stem cells multiply are used as homing missiles in the CBD research trial. These exosomes can target the cell organs that are damaged by COVID-19, and this is accomplished through the synergistic effect.

Moving forward, the CBD research team will conduct a second clinical trial. Ten COVID-19  patients from Israel’s Rabin Medical Center who are currently receiving treatment for the virus will be utilizing the traditional steroid treatment combined with CBD. The thought behind this treatment is that the synergy effect will take hold. Plans are set for the future to expand the CBD research treatment to forty more patients should and when the trial be proved successful.

The Canadian University of Lethbridge agrees with CBD research being conducted today and that clinical trials are necessary. However, for the past four years, this educational institution has been collecting data. The data is promising and shows that some extracts from the cannabis plant may help in the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Could this be CBD?


What can CBD for fighting COVID-19?

The respiratory system is attacked when the virus infiltrates the lungs of a person diagnosed with COVID-19. The scientists conducting the CBD research trial will be delivering enriched exosomes by using an inhalation device. This could be perhaps a vape to help to combat the symptoms of the virus. Early research and testing have indicated that cannabis extract, such as CBD, can be administered effectively through inhalers and mouthwash.

Researchers looking for evidence that CBD derived from the cannabis plant can be the tool for fighting this virus are quick to point out that not any kind of cannabis will be effective. Scientists have tested hundreds of different cannabis extracts, and to date, only a small percentage have proved to be effective. The extracts with high concentrations of CBD  but extremely low levels of THC were the strains of cannabis the CBD researchers are most interested in.

The goal was not to produce a "high" experience, and researches have stated and believe that CBD is a natural end product of the cannabis plant that does not result in those kinds of side effects. Moving forward, the clinical trials must continue and include human tissue models to fight this COVID-19 virus. CBD as an alternative medicine for the deadly virus could be a large part of how we will be moving forward in the days to come.

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