
How to Detect, Prevent, and Treat Moldy Weed | Cannabis Wiki

iStock / Michael Nosek

The cannabis plant is a hardy species that can withstand a variety of less than ideal conditions, but one of the most important things that consumers should be aware of is the possibility of mould. Mould can take hold in the plant itself as it matures, and it can also appear late in the season as rain levels increase, and daylight hours are reduced. Since it can be challenging to diagnose, and it can be hazardous to your health, we want to show you how to detect, prevent, and treat mouldy weed.

Types of mould and how to detect them

There are three primary types of mold that can infect and contaminate cannabis plants and products, these includes:

1. Bud rot
This type of mould will appear inside or around the buds and colas of a cannabis plant. It can occur at any time from the moment the buds first start to develop, to long after the plant materials are harvested or in your stash storage container.

2. Regular mold
This is one of the most common types of mold, and it will look like bright, white fuzz or hairs. It can infect any part of the cannabis plant, including the buds, fan leaves, stems, and root system.

3. Mildew
Mildew will at first look very similar to normal mould, but it will not arrange itself into the shape of hairs. Instead, it will grow into a fine, white powder that is easily disturbed. This kind of mould can impact any portion of the plant, but it tends to appear most frequently on top of the surrounding soil, and it usually causes the most damage to the stem and root system beneath the soil.

How to prevent mold

Mouldy weed is a problem that can impact even the most experienced cultivators, however, there are a few things that can be done to reduce the chances of it taking hold in your crop:

  1. Sanitize all tools and containers before planting

  2. Do not over water your cannabis plants

  3. Make your own soil combination using sterilized ingredients

  4. Reduce humidity levels

  5. Never add thick supplements to the top layer of soil

How to tell if weed is mouldy

iStock / OlegMalyshev

There is really only one way for the average person to assess the possibility of mould in their cannabis, as the high-quality testing that would search for this contaminant is typically cost-prohibitive for small-time consumers who are either growing or buying for personal use. The best way to diagnose a mouldy weed problem for most is by eye.

What does mouldy weed look like?

Always look for any signs of a white foreign substance on or surrounding the plant, and from there, the texture of what is found should let you know which type you are dealing with. In cases where the mould is not visible, signs of distress may also be an indicator of something wrong that could be caused by mould.


How does weed get moldy

Mouldy weed can be caused by several factors, with anything from high humidity, overwatering, or contaminated soil or pots. Mould, like any other plant species, needs certain things to thrive, and two of the necessary components for mold are water and high temperatures. That is true for both fresh growing cannabis plants, and dry buds that are stored away for later.

How to treat plants infected with mold

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Once you realize that mold has infected your crop, it is essential that you move quickly to remedy the problem before irreparable damage occurs. How to approach the issues will depend on where you find the mould, and below you will find a few of the best tips and tricks for getting mould under control no matter where it is:

1. Change the soil
If you find that the mold is in the soil rather than on the plant, then your chances of revival are good, as long as you act fast. Some people are able to get their mouldy weed problem under control with a rinse, but one of the best ways to get rid of it quickly requires the transplanting of all infected cannabis plants into fresh, new soil.

2. Use a rinse
If the mould problem is located on the cannabis plant itself, or lightly over the top layer of soil and it has yet to cause signs of stress, then you might be able to get away with a highly effective rinse treatment that will kill the mould spores on contact.

3. Reduce humidity
If you are cultivating cannabis outdoors, then you don’t really have the option to do this, but for those with indoor grow rooms or grow tents, a slight adjustment can go a long way in the battle against this devastating invader.

4. Decrease watering
Mouldy weed will always be weeds that have been exposed to too much water, and that is true for both cured buds and marijuana plants in the full swing of growing. Hence the reason why it’s a good idea to reduce the amount of water that you use on a daily basis until the soil is dry enough that it will crumble between your fingers, but still, moist enough that you can feel it on your fingertips.

5. Avoid adding anything that can rot to the soil
Once you have a case of mouldy weed on your hands, it is best to avoid any potential triggers that could make the problem worse. That means absolutely no foodstuff like eggshells, molasses, or anything else that has a thick and sticky texture which will result in it sticking to the top layer of the soil.

What happens if you smoke mouldy weed?

iStock / shanecotee

The reaction that will occur after smoking mouldy weed heavily depends on the kind of mould, how much is ingested, and the health of the individual. Some people manage to smoke small amounts of mouldy weed without issue, but the risk of this kind of activity is potential damage to your lungs, which may be either long or short term. Smoking mouldy weed can lead to lung irritation, infection, difficulty breathing, nausea, headaches, migraines, and more.

What to do with moldy weed

If you find any of the mentioned indicators of mould, your safest course of action will be to toss the entire thing into the trash. There is no way to salvage mouldy weed to a point that it is safe for consumption. Some consumers at this point choose to turn the cannabis buds into a concentrate through a process of infusion, but it’s not a guarantee that the mould won’t be transferred into the end product, which is why it’s never a good idea to smoke mouldy weed or concentrate.

Does weed go bad?

Cannabis, even under the most ideal conditions, will eventually lose its potency and quality resulting in a useless material that can no longer offer therapeutic benefits, but in proper storage, buds, and concentrates should last at least a few years before it ends up going bad.

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