
The truth about marijuana edibles

Published Jan 30, 2020 02:00 p.m. ET
iStock / Creative-Family

The latest release of marijuana edibles right across Canada has consumers excited, but not everyone is happy to see this sudden change in the market. Pot brownies and other similar baked goods have been referred to as a danger to the very fabric of society, and that should be concerning for both enthusiasts and the general public.

The problem it seems is that so few seek out the relevant information to prove or disprove hearsay and biased statements, which is necessary to form an educated opinion, and some of the ones that do, aren’t totally sure that they can trust their source. This all combined leads to a mishmash of half-truths, and it can be hard to tell the difference between what fact and fiction is. Luckily, we’ve got your back, here you will find some of the most commonly believed myths about marijuana edibles.

1. Edibles can be dangerous for a person to consume

You might have seen the headlines that focused on the worst possible situations that could be related to weed. One of the most popular was based on an elderly gentleman who required medical assistance after eating a seemingly innocent THC sucker. Sounds scary right? An older man takes what is often touted as a natured miracle and ends up in the hospital, and that’s enough to scare quite a few people off from trying it or even wanting to be around this product.

The problem is that this was a special and rare kind of situation, and no one highlighted the specifics. The media often doesn’t care to tell the truth, as much as they do about click-worthy topics that will stir up attention on social media. The truth is that the man, in this case, had a prior heart condition, and he chose not to see his doctor to inquire about trying cannabis, instead, he went ahead a purchased a 200mg sucker and ate it in combination with his normal medication.

As the effects of the edibles kicked in, his blood pressure and heart rate rose, which for the average person wouldn’t be an issue, but for him, it meant a cardiac arrest situation that required medical intervention. To understand why this happened, you need not look past the given information that is available online.

He had a pre-existing medical issue, took cannabis with medication without a doctor’s approval, and he also purchased a high enough dosed treat to knock out the average seasoned consumer, despite building no prior tolerance to cannabinoids. Therefore, it is not recommended to take edibles along with any medical condition or medication, and it’s certainly not a good idea to start with such a condensed product as a beginner.

THC on its own is in no way toxic, and for a healthy person, a situation like this is virtually impossible. Even when combined with other mind-altering substance, cannabis remains 100% safe to use, unlike alcohol, the long riding competitor. They can, however, interfere with medicine and how well it works, which is why it is so important to discuss consumption with a healthcare professional before you try them.

2. Pot brownies and other sweet cannabis treats are a hazard for children

Some people believe that the sheer existence of marijuana edibles could be dangerous, particularly for children who might happen upon one accidentally and eat it. With the legal age and scientific evidence showing that it is safest to consume cannabis after the age of 19, it is not toxic and likely wouldn’t hurt a kid if they managed to try one.


Though it is important to recognize the importance of proper edibles storage, especially around vulnerable persons like children, the chances of this occurring are slim to none, and that’s for a good reason. Aside from the majority of the population accepting responsibility for these kinds of products, they all have a very distinct smell and taste that isn’t overly appealing. You would be hard-pressed to mistake a gummy or some pot brownies as not infused, and even if you did, one taste would likely have you spitting it out in no time.

3. Marijuana edibles increase impaired driving rates

Though in Canada, we have yet to have enough experiences with edibles to know whether or not they impact road safety, we do have information from Stats Can about the difference, or lack thereof, that we have seen since the legalization of cannabis in dry form. The truth is that anyone who was driving high on edibles probably did so long before they were legal, which is likely why legalization alone seemed to have an impact on road safety.

4. Edibles impair you in a way that is comparable to alcohol

Marijuana edibles can be intense, that much is for sure, but the way in which it affects a consumer is much different than that of alcohol. Edibles can also be made to provide a lighter level of sensations, to personalize the experience whereas most alcohol is made to drink and in larger quantities, which is part of what makes it so inherently dangerous.

5. Cannabis edibles are addictive

You might know this already, but way too many people still view cannabis in the same light as other drugs, and while we sit in the middle of an opioid crisis, it’s no wonder that this would be a concern. Luckily, no one has to worry, as so far, the evidence suggests that cannabis is not addictive. In fact, it has even shown to be beneficial in combating the symptoms of addiction to things like alcohol or tobacco.

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