How to make a weed pipe with wood in less than 10 minutes

Published Oct 1, 2019 11:02 a.m. ET
iStock / peeterv

If you have ever seen some of the breathtaking, hand-carved wooden pipes and wondered what it would be like to use one, then now is your chance. Though it won’t have the craftsmanship and manhours that a store-bought version will, this homemade wooden pipe is an excellent way to get a feel of the experience before making an investment, and a really fun DIY project that is perfect for keeping entertained on a cold or rainy day.

The problem with this kind of weed pipe is that it takes some special care in selecting the appropriate piece of wood, and to clean and upkeep such a porous material. Here you will find the best types of wood for smoking pipes, the kinds to stay away from, how to make one, and how to clean a wooden pipe in case you want to use your masterpiece on more than one occasion.

The best types of wood for a weed pipe

  • Briar
  • Oak
  • Cherry
  • Maple
  • Olive
  • Mesquite
  • Bogwood
  • Pear
  • Rosewood

Kinds of wood to avoid

High density woods like those that are listed above are ideal, but since heat and smoke will always take the path of least resistance, any type of wood will work in a punch, as none should catch fire from regular use. The biggest thing to watch out for is essential when using scrap pieces of wood, as anything pressured or chemical treated can and will make you sick, so be sure that your materials are pure and toxin-free.

How to make a wooden pipe for cannabis

You will need:

  • Drill
  • Screen
  • Sandpaper
  • Carving knife (optional)
  • 1 fine drill bit
  • 1 larger flat-edged drill bit
  • 1 wood piece (at least one inch by three inches for the best results)


  1. Carve the wood chunk into a shape that fits comfortably into the palm of your hand, leaving enough material to drill through without concern for breaking. If you don’t trust your carving skills or would prefer to skip this step, you can always use a regular block of wood as a pipe, it just isn’t going to have the same grip and feel.

  2. Take sandpaper to all the edges of the wood to avoid slivers and provide a smooth and aesthetically appealing surface.

  3. Use a narrow drill bit that is long enough to reach 2/4 of the way down your wood piece, and tunnel into the material slowly and carefully, until you are satisfied with its depth and width.

  4. Use a flat-tipped drill bit or Dremel to create a bowl hole that aligns with the first tunnel that you’ve created. Once you break through the final layer of wood and both holes are connected, blow through the device to remove any loose bits.

  • Next, check the draw on your wooden pipe by sucking through the mouthpiece. If there is too much hesitation, and it is difficult to breathe through, then widen the original middle chamber before continuing.

  • Now you can install the screen on your brand-new weed pipe, and it is ready for use.

  • How to clean a wooden pipe

    You will need:

    • Pipe cleaner with bristles
    • Alcohol
    • Damp cloth


    1. Run the pipe cleaner through the wooden mouthpiece until dry to dislodge any stuck or hardened pieces of ash.

    2. Next, dip the pipe cleaner into alcohol, and force it through the mouthpiece again, pulling it back and forth several times to brush the insides of the weed pipe.

    3. Blow through the pipe to force anything that remains towards the bowl hole.

    4. Rinse the pipe cleaner, dip it once more in alcohol, and scrub the sides and floor of the bowl, taking care to avoid getting alcohol on the outside of the device.

    5. When you are finished, wipe out the bowl with a damp cloth, and set the weed pipe on a paper towel to dry for at least 24 hours. That will give it enough time to allow the alcohol to completely evaporate before you use it.

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