5 different ways to use cannabis without getting high

Published May 25, 2019 12:15 p.m. ET
Credit: OlegMalyshev

Now that growing and buying marijuana is becoming increasingly legal; there are thousands of people around the world that are just being introduced to the industry for the very first time. These new cannabis plant enthusiasts love all the more recent data and research behind the therapeutic benefits of consuming both THC and CBD products, but many have no idea where to begin and are afraid of being high.

The truth is that there are a variety of marijuana derived options that either won’t get you high at all or will produce such minimal effects that the sensations are manageable or go unnoticed altogether. This is especially true if you are using cannabis plant products to medicate rather than to get high. Since the cannabinoids within marijuana strains will first go to work on problems like anxiety or pain, it is entirely possible to microdose weed products in a way that doesn’t induce the intense or psychoactive effects. Below you will find five ways to use cannabinoids without getting the stereotypical high.

Use only CBD products

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid and is not psychoactive like it’s ever popular competitor tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD products of any kind will not get you high and can be used with minimal side effects. CBD has many therapeutic benefits and can help to alleviate the symptoms caused by a broad range of diagnosis including Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic headaches, migraines, chronic or recurring pain, injury, insomnia, nausea, epilepsy, and more. This cannabinoid can calm and relax while slowly reducing inflammation and speeding up the rate at which your body heals, making it an effective treatment for anyone with mild to moderate symptoms.


Cannabis topicals

Topicals may include either THC, CBD, or both in a blissful combination to sooth the body and the mind. Since these types of cannabis plant derived products are absorbed in such a slow rate, most of the cannabinoids never find their way into the bloodstream. Instead, they focus on direct contact with a specific problem area and rarely cause any sort of euphoric sensations, especially lower dosed options.



People have been microdosing weed since long before it was legal as a way to regulate painful or uncomfortable symptoms and side effects from various illnesses. It works in the same way that topicals do; only the cannabinoids are absorbed through another method of ingestion like THC and or CBD oil drops, smoking, vaping, or edibles. Microdosing is easy to control and will produce minimal psychoactive effects when performed correctly.


The cannabis plant may not look quite as appetizing as your average piece of fruit or favorite veggie, but they contain essential oils, fatty acids, and vitamins in its raw form. A fresh marijuana bud is preferred, as fully cured herb will have much of the healthy additions evaporated and leave no juice to be removed or consumed. When a cannabis plant is fully mature, it will contain well over 100 different cannabinoids, but the primary psychoactive element requires a process called decarboxylation to convert into THC. In its original form, the component is actually THCA which is non-psychoactive until it’s put through a high heat treatment. Throw a handful of bud or leaf into the juicer next time you go to make yourself a cup of juice, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the vibrant boost it can provide with no high at all.


A lot of people tend to think of the cannabis plant as a source for recreational or medicinal substance. Very few have ever considered using its healthy components as a superfood addition. The only way this will work is if the marijuana is not decarboxylated before it is processed, but freshly picked buds or leaves make the perfect addition to salad, oatmeal, protein shakes, and almost any other healthy food you can think of.



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