Why so many cannabis professionals are refusing get vaccinated

iStock / lakshmiprasad S

We’re onto yet another year weighed down by changes brought forward by COVID-19, as the newest, most prevalent variant holds the world firmly in its grip. There doesn’t seem to be a right way out of this mess now that it’s clear, medications, treatments, and vaccines combined haven’t been enough to dampen the ill effects of Delta on ICU medical systems.

Governments from all corners of the globe are leaning into the only thing they know for sure, which is the fact that vaccines do reduce the severity and, in some cases, the infectiousness of this devastating disease, and with so few other choices and ICUs filling up, some countries, states, and provinces have decided to either require the vaccine for residents for anything from grocery shopping to packed venues or start a conversation about what that might look like.

It’s a huge leap, particularly in countries like the United States and Canada, where medical freedoms are respected and written into law, and not everyone is taking these motions in stride.

Even those that ultimately choose not to force vaccines in all group settings are creating vaccine passports that must be shown by individuals who want access to select spaces. Indoor dining, entertainment venues, and personal care services are just a few places that are off-limits for the unvaxxed or unboosted, a requirement that doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon, and though we have high vaccination rates, more than 10% of Canadians and an even larger portion of Americans are refusing to take it.

Nurses, PSWs, and doctors are getting fired or laid off indefinitely for rejecting vaccines, and in positions such as those, taking extreme precautions might well be warranted. After all, they’re working directly with our most vulnerable populations. However, some industries are taking a massive hit due to the inability of those who are unvaccinated to participate, and some say that this is taking things way too far.

Cannabis is a natural lifestyle

The cannabis industry, in particular, businesses that utilize events spaces to provide social networking opportunities, are seeing a significant loss of experts, professionals, and passionate advocates, and it shows. These places are currently shuttered, but even when allowed to function at 50% capacity, they simply weren’t able to attract some of the most important faces to take part.

This is for various reasons, like pandemic restrictions which loosen and tighten more often than the weather, impeding every coordinator's ability to plan accordingly, but one that stands out even more so is how many people are simply forgoing this chance because they don’t want to take the shot.

Fake vaccine passports have been a common topic of discussion among certain groups of cannabis professionals, while others are patiently waiting for the removal of this requirement before making any plans to get involved. This is no longer a welcoming place for all to be, with only documented individuals being given the privilege of what, for many, is just living a normal life. It’s problematic for obvious reasons, and the answer isn’t to apply more pressure.

Why do so many cannabis professionals refuse to get vaccinated?

Instead, it’s important to understand the complexities behind why so many are against government-imposed mandates because their reasons are not only entirely understandable, they're also essential if we are to move forward together.

Mistrust in government and pharmaceutical companies

It’s been 3 years since governments announced what were supposed to be short term measures to get a handle on COVID-19, with an ever-changing narrative and constant moving of the goalposts to “freedom”, it’s no wonder people just aren’t convinced that this is the answer, but that’s not all. In cannabis, this feeling runs particularly deep, as it’s full of professionals, advocates, and consumers who use or know someone who used this incredible plant to get over addictions and dependencies caused by pharmaceutical “treatments”.

Lack of financial resources to take time off work

Cannabis is a fun industry to be in, and it’s one heckuva ride, as you’ve always got to be on your toes to keep up with it all, but it’s not as profitable as some seem to think. Of course, big CEOs and a select few others are tucking away thousands, and in some cases, millions in revenue, but workers in cannabis aren’t flying high on meagre wages that are typically comparable to other retail positions.

Because of this, some are avoiding getting vaccinated, as they don’t have the financial ability to go a few days without working in case of adverse effects, which are quite commonly felt, in particular, after the first dose. Those that do simply don’t have the time, without anyone else to take the reins in their absence, should things not go as smoothly as planned. Fear of the unknown in a situation of insecurity is the perfect combination to keep many away from the shot.

A natural state of mind

Cannabis is an industry full of people who believe in a more natural way of life, one that is generally only achieved by forgoing most pharmaceutical products. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, and not everyone here holds this belief so dearly, but those that do are refusing to roll up their sleeves, putting their confidence in healthy immune systems and lifestyles. This does not mean that anyone thinks their impervious to COVID. However, it’s fair to say that those in good health have far less to worry about when it comes to this virus.

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