Is it safe to use cannabis when you're sick?

iStock / stefanamer

Whether you’ve been trying to ignore a nagging itch or soreness at the back of your throat or currently dealing with more serious health problems, it makes sense to question the safety of any substance, including cannabis. You don’t want to do anything that’s going to prolong or exacerbate the discomfort, and we’re happy to tell you that in most cases, a few puffs off a joint or an edible will do nothing but a world of good. Still, there are exceptional circumstances in which avoiding cannabinoid-laden products might be safer.

The benefits of using cannabis when sick

Being sick sucks no matter which way you slice it. We usually have to take time off work or miss out on big plans all to stay home and nurse ourselves back to better health, and that can be stressful. Smoking cannabis can melt the stress away while reducing other common side effects of illness such as nausea, trouble sleeping, and pain. Some terpenes are even known for their ability to open up airways, which could make it a bit easier to breathe, but how and whether or not you should take it for relief will depend on a few different things.

How sick are you, and what type of illness do you have?

Are you coming down with a minor run-of-the-mill cold, or are you combating something more severe like a respiratory infection? Perhaps it’s not a condition at all like cancer, arthritis, or heart problems. The general rule of thumb is that you should avoid smoking cannabis if you have any trouble with breathing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the therapeutic nature of other methods such as edibles, oil, or capsules.

Is it safe if I don’t have any respiratory issues?

Some make the assumption that a lack of breathing problems should make cannabis a perfectly safe option, but the truth is a little bit more complicated than that because those who are on certain prescriptions as well as anyone who has been diagnosed with heart problems, might want to reconsider. Unfortunately, CBD can lead to adverse drug interactions, which could render a prescribed medicine entirely ineffective, or at the very least, functioning differently than usual, and that could mean a fully managed condition could turn dire very quickly.

Heart problems are a trickier issue and one that has been greatly debated over the years. On one hand, cannabinoids could help to reduce stress and regulate appetite which theoretically should result in a calmer, happier, and healthier human being who deals with less strain on the heart, but that isn’t always the case. Some consumers have reported exacerbated health issues related to the heart after taking cannabis products through various methods, so it’s important to be cautious and talk with a doctor before proceeding if this is you.

The best pot products to use when you’re sick

Most enthusiasts turn to good old-fashioned joints for fast and easy relief, and if that’s what works best for you, then you might not need any other ideas. However, we wanted to highlight a list of pot products that are good for consumers who want to revel in the benefits without experiencing any adverse effects on their health.

  • Edibles
  • Oil
  • Tincture
  • Beverages
  • Topicals
  • Lozenges

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