Avoiding sleep extremes caused by cannabis

iStock / Tero Vesalainen

Many people rely on cannabis to get a better night’s sleep, so it’s slightly concerning when some report experiencing sleep extremes instead.

What are sleep extremes?

Sleep extremes are defined as severe and or unusual sleep patterns that are detrimental to an individual's quality of life. This could mean that someone is getting too much sleep or that they’re unable to sleep enough. It could also be used in reference to frequent sleep disturbances that interfere with one's ability to achieve REM sleep.

Are they really caused by cannabis?

Many people love the way that cannabis seems to impact their sleep, but yes, there are some situations in which consumers find that cannabinoids are actually getting in the way of a good quality night’s rest. We aren’t entirely sure why this happens, which makes it difficult for some to find a useful solution. Still, there are some things that you can do to avoid this problem completely, or at the very least, reduce its overall adverse impact on your quality of sleep.

How to avoid sleep extremes caused by cannabis

These useful tips and tricks can help consumers to avoid experiencing sleep extremes:

1. Avoid overconsuming

Taking too much cannabis at any time can certainly be a problem for some consumers, resulting in a prolonged night’s sleep, which isn’t ideal when you’ve got to get up for work bright and early each morning. Consuming too much too early can have a similar impact on energy levels throughout the day, but if you keep it to small, scheduled doses, you’ll be much less likely to oversleep or find yourself falling asleep during the day when you should be wide awake.

2. Don’t get high so close to bedtime

It’s not uncommon for committed enthusiasts to toke from sun up to sundown, but it might be worthwhile to call it quits at least an hour before hopping into bed. This way, the likelihood of adverse impact on REM sleep is reduced, and you’ll have a much easier time getting up in the morning because by then, the effects will have well worn off.

3. Wait to consume until after work

As we’ve mentioned, using high doses of cannabinoids throughout the day can make you sleepy, and though this is a known side effect of THC, many still continue to make this tragic mistake. To avoid it, simply cut out that morning sesh, and abstain until you’re home from work so that if you do get tired, your bed isn’t too far away, and any prior responsibilities are thoroughly taken care of.

4. Microdosing

People tend to see the most sleep extremes after using large doses of cannabinoids, which is why microdosing might be the ideal solution, as it introduces just enough plant elements to do the job without going overboard. This way, the effects will wear off faster, and your overall quality of sleep should significantly improve. Of course, this isn’t an option for everyone, but for those trying to manage these irritating side effects, it’s a functional alternative that could deliver great results.

5. Do not take CBD products in the evening

CBD is known to increase energy levels, so it makes sense to assume that it’s not always the best thing to take late at night. This isn’t true for all consumers, in particular those garnering medicinal relief through this cannabinoid, but most could benefit from a break before bed. That is why it’s highly recommended that consumers who want to avoid this side effect stop taking CBD at least 3 hours prior to going to sleep.

Good sleep habits are essential for a good quality life and altering your consumption habits could be the key to ensuring that nothing disturbs your slumber.

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