How to enhance and amplify the effects of cannabis

iStock / Sarah Pender

Many seasoned cannabis enthusiasts end up on a hunt for a better, more superior high. Some call it chasing the dragon but what it is, is that their tolerance has increased their need for potency. Recreating those first few incredibly intense experiences with cannabis is what these folks crave, and it’s only natural. Unfortunately, it’s also almost impossible.

That jaw-dropping, mind-twisting high was the result of the body figuring out how to manage a sudden influx of cannabinoids, and it was probably a really fun trip, but getting it back just isn’t in the cards for most consumers. What they can do instead, however, is incorporate other activities or elements that might enhance and or intensify the effects of cannabis.

1. Alcohol

The number one rule of substance use is that it’s generally not a good idea to mix various mind-altering properties, however, those who are more experienced say that it’s one of the best ways to make a buzz stronger. It is important to note that drinking alcohol won’t necessarily enhance the effects of cannabis so much as it will provide new and different sensations that can leave you feeling way more stoned.

2. Tobacco

We definitely don’t recommend picking up smoking cigarettes just to get a better buzz, but tobacco does have properties that make it influential, as it quickens blood pressure, speeding up how quickly your blood is flooded with cannabinoids. There isn’t a whole lot of scientific literature on this subject, but most who have tried it agree that a pinch of tobacco in a bowl or joint can take you higher, even if it is short-lived.

3. Other herbs

Herbs have long been used in medicine for their therapeutic and healing properties, so it stands to reason that they could also work to enhance the effects of cannabis. Of course, some are more effective than others with options like liverwort or salvia, which are potent and intense, though not quite strong enough to be considered psychoactive, while others like lavender or rose petals can offer a soothing sensation of calm that creeps over you, complimenting the sedating nature of a cannabis high.

4. Physical activity

It might seem counterproductive, especially if you’ve just gotten home after a hard day's work and want to indulge in the more sedative nature of cannabis, but even the littlest tasks can do wonders for a high. Movement and physical activity will help to get the blood pumping, causing a similar effect as tobacco, only without all of the health hazards that go with it. After you smoke weed, go for a jog around the block, do some dishes, or catch up on some gardening, and you’ll be repaid by a much more enjoyable buzz.

5. Mango

Mango fruit contains an abundance of myrcene terpenes which interact with cannabinoid receptors in very much the same way as cannabis. On its own, it might give you a gentle, tingly quiver or a soothing sensation, but when it’s eaten right after you smoke weed, it can work to enhance the effects of THC. There won’t be an intense difference, but you should notice heightened senses that leave you feeling even more stoned than you wouldn’t have without the powerful terpene boost.

6. Sunshine

If you’ve ever gone from hanging out in a dim room to smoke weed to the great blinding outdoors when the sun is shining, and you can feel the warmth on your skin and the buzz you didn’t even realize you had, then you already know the difference that a bit of daylight can make. Cannabis makes consumers more sensitive, and the sun can wake you up as you soak in some essential vitamin D. Too much is never a good thing, but even a little bit can go a long way when you’re high.

7. Magic mushrooms

Psilocybin is often viewed as the most closely related to cannabis, even though the two species are nothing alike. However, they do seem to provide similar benefits and effects, with magic mushrooms coming out on top as the most potent. Much like with alcohol, it’s probably best not to go overboard with combining substances, but a small amount of psilocybin could most definitely elevate a high to brand new and much more intense heights.

8. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant, and its effects are so good that it can be quite addictive, turning into a daily routine for those who enjoy the buzz. It’s energizing, invigorating, and some would even go so far as to say it’s inspiring, hence its presence in just about every workplace you can think of. These uplifting effects can help to counteract the sedating qualities that often come from cannabis. So, whether it’s caffeine pills or a hot cup of brew, your drink choice could enhance your high.

9. Using multiple methods of cannabis consumption

When you smoke weed, the effects last for mere minutes in most cases, with a gentler feel than what you might expect from edibles, which can intensely impact your body and mind for several hours. Oils and tinctures come with an entirely different set of effects that come out somewhere in the middle. Most consumers stick to only one method at a time, but if you want to make sure that your dose is potent, then the best way to do that is by using more than one. Just be careful because doing things this way makes it easy to go overboard.

10. Sugar

Though it’s certainly not as potent as caffeine pills, magic mushrooms, alcohol, or literally any other thing that we’ve mentioned on this list, like caffeine sugar is a stimulant which means that it offers an uplifting, energizing effect that can be quite complementary to those from cannabis. It might not make you feel higher, but it will perk up your mood and energy levels so that you’re ready to take on anything that comes your way when you’re stoned.

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