What consumers want those who judge them to know

iStock / yehor

No matter where you reside if you’ve got a thing for cannabis then chances are insanely high that you’ve been judged quite harshly for it at some point in life. It’s so common that it’s practically a right of passage for anyone who chooses to utilize the benefits of this natural plant, often in place of a toxic hangover-inducing alternative, and it’s always a terrible exchange for the victim.

Sometimes the judgments are tolerable, quick quips about stoner stereotypes that can be awkwardly laughed at and glossed over, but in far too many cases they lead to much more devastating consequences, like losing friends and family or a job. Whether you’re a fellow stoner who knows exactly what we’re talking about or an individual who is causing this type of distress, this list is for you. It offers essential talking points that can help us to work past these issues, as well as a personal touch. So from one cannabis consumer to another (or a hater), we bring you ten things we wish everyone knew about pot.

1. It’s not an addiction

Most cannabis consumers choose to partake only on occasion, going anywhere from several days to weeks or even months between sessions, but some are typically referred to as seasoned users, toking it up daily. Very few indulge from morning to night, and even those who do, are rarely ever addicted to it. Reliant on its many benefits or effects, perhaps, but it is rare for someone to find themselves unequivocally addicted to cannabis elements, and when it does happen, the process of quitting is nothing like any other substance in the world requiring little to no medical intervention or involvement.

2. Not everyone sets out to get high

There is no denying the fact that millions of cannabis enthusiasts around the globe use it for strictly recreational purposes, hoping to catch a heavy buzz that will knock them off their feet. However, that’s simply not the truth for all users. Some people use cannabis to treat medical conditions like pain or nausea, and quite a few are turning to CBD-based alternatives, which entirely eliminates the possibility of euphoria. Many of those who don’t are managing debilitating symptoms, such as anxiety or pain, as they’re trying just to maintain some state of functionality without losing their minds, and cannabis can bring loads of relief without a noticeable high.

3. In so many ways, this plant can be lifechanging (for the better)

It might be the media’s portrayal of stoners as a group that doesn’t really pay attention to or remember much or the broad belief within society that most people turn to “drugs” do so as a way to hide from the world, but no matter how it started, far too many are under the assumption that those who use cannabis with any kind of frequency must be running away from problems, or trying to numb the pain in some way. The truth is that you’ll meet very few sad, angry, or impolite consumers because we aren’t trying to drown our sorrows in a nature-based concoction. Most users report feeling happier, more energized, and even more creative after a joint or two, and that’s why some of us use it so often.

4. Stoner stereotypes couldn’t be further from the truth

You’ve probably heard that smoking weed or using it in any way really tends to leave the consumer in a sedated and unmotivated state that makes it hard to do anything, never mind keeping up with day-to-day responsibilities like work or kids. The implication is generally that they’re unreliable, irresponsible, and not good for much but a few laughs, but that isn’t even close to being true. Cannabis consumers are doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers, lawmakers, and everyone else in between. Not only are they functional and successful, but most are pretty good at what they do, and you’d never be able to tell by looking at or talking to them that they’ve ever dabbled in weed.

5. It’s often the safest option

Most countries have strict limits on the substances that people are legally allowed to purchase and consume, and very few have more than two legitimate options for the average person. Alcohol has long been more socially acceptable, but cannabis is so much safer in every single way. It doesn’t leave you hungover the next morning, and it’s not landing anyone aside from the occasional inexperienced or unhealthy experimenter in the hospital. Weed isn’t killing anyone because it isn’t toxic, and unlike booze it leaves almost everyone in a far better state of mind, making it the safest option all around.

6. Cannabis is not a gateway drug

Part of the war on drugs propaganda that circulated well into the ’80s and ’90s was the constant insinuation that using cannabis could somehow open up a whole new world of other illicit substances that might be too hard to ignore, acting as a “gateway” to undesirable lifestyles and illegal activity, but now we know that it could actually be the answer for addiction rather than a contributor to the ever-growing problem.

People are using pot because they don’t want the harmful side effects and ingredients that you’ll find in pharmaceuticals or alcohol, so it makes sense to assume that very few of them are making the jump from green enthusiasts to methhead, and if they do, it’s not because they smoked. It’s because of the ongoing control over a completely harmless plant for no reason other than money and politics, which drives consumers by the millions towards the black market, a sector that can sometimes deal in less safe, illegal options in the same space.

7. The smell can get annoying for some of us too

One of the biggest complaints we see these days stems from the aroma of the average cannabis plant, which is often a potent combination of powerful terpenes that are impossible to ignore. Some of us love it, but all of us have hated it desperately at some point or another. Whether it was when an in the dark family member sniffed the air disapprovingly after a hug, or a potential boss walked in circles around you making you wonder if he notices your loud strain of choice, it’s annoying, as it really makes it hard to do it discreetly. Of course, most of us know that the smell can be therapeutic too, but we don’t want to stank out our friends and neighbours. It’s just all apart of using cannabis.

8. Some people just don’t get stoned from cannabis

One watch of an old-fashioned Cheech and Chong movie might have you believe that every hit is a trip, taking the consumer towards the deep end of an impaired state that could last for several hours, but not everyone experiences this effect. In fact, some people just can’t get high using cannabis, and that is often true for medicinal patients who are using it to manage a specific symptom or condition. Then there are those who use CBD products that simply don’t offer the same intense range of effects, and they’re entirely clearheaded despite having just smoked a joint or hit a vape. Everyone’s cannabis journey is different, and they don’t all end in a buzz.

9. It’s just as much a lifestyle as it is a substance choice

If you’re against cannabis, then you might be used to getting the cold shoulder from those who disagree and seeing large crowds gathered in anger protesting arbitrary rules and laws which doesn’t paint a very pretty picture of the culture. 420 friendly people are generally quite giving and with a motto like ‘sharing is caring’, it’s easy to see that we like to connect with other like-minded individuals over our love of the herb. Most of us are calm, gentle, and motivated people who would go out of our way for a neighbour or fellow stoner in an instant. Though not everyone is knee-deep in the cannabis lifestyle, most carry those positive values with them.

10. Nothing about access to cannabis puts anyone in harm's way

We could spend all day here going over the many grievances that anti-cannabis people have against enthusiasts, but at the end of the day, the fact that we choose green over booze or pills hurts virtually no one while saving millions of innocent lives. Of course, there are always situations where a mistake is made, with things like storage or moral decisions. Still, compared to the thousands of souls stolen too soon from drunk drivers, and accidental ingestion of common household poisons like laundry detergent or cleaner, it truly is of no concern to those who opt to steer clear of it, and it would be great if those who are not impacted could start acting like it.

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