Cannabition offers the first interactive cannabis museum in Las Vegas

iStock / Darren415

The marijuana plant and its history have long been kept in the shadows, away from the public eye, but now that legalization is trending, consumers in many regions are gaining access to new experiences. Many of which have never been seen before, and one of the most exciting to hit the scene is among the hottest museums in Las Vegas, and it’s called ‘Cannabition’.

Up until this point, there was only one other recognized museum dedicated to the beauty of the pot leaf, the marijuana plant, and its deeply engrained prejudiced history, but none have taken the educational view that pertains more to the future and science. During a visit, guests are certain to have a fun and interactive experience, but what they will leave with is true knowledge, and memories to last an entire lifetime, but don’t go planning a trip just yet, as there are a host of rules and restrictions you should know about before attending.

The Cannabition Cannabis Museum

Though the museum has remained open to the public since opening at 450 Fremont St. 140 in Las Vegas 7 days a week, they are currently closed for a quick move. The new locations details will be revealed on their website closer to the date of opening, which is scheduled just in time to celebrate New Year’s Eve, so stay tuned on Facebook or Twitter for updates.

When: New Year’s Eve from 11 pm to 3 am

Where: Yet to be revealed


  • All guests must be 21 years or older to attend
  • Bring your own weed as no cannabis will be available for purchase at this venue


  • Regular visitor rates of $27 per person will apply during normal opening hours
  • Cost of tickets for the opening night has yet to be announced

Highlights of what Cannabition has to offer

We have no idea what the future holds for visitors to the new location, aside from what was revealed at the original spot, but project coordinators have assured awaiting customers that the museum will offer all of the same displays and experiences, with some exciting new features.

1. Six-feet-tall pot leaf and bud
One of the most popular features at the Cannabition Cannabis Museum during opening remained a favorite throughout the year, and it is a massive 6 feet tall pot leaf in all its glory. To create arches to the entryway, it is paired with a similar-sized cannabis bud boasting realistic features and additions including crystals, trichomes, pistils, and more. Both statues can be easily seen and understood in bright artistic detail that truly celebrates the beauty of the cannabis plant.

2. An interactive marijuana plant directory
Most museums in Las Vegas are geared towards a show, but for those seeking education, the high-tech touch screen interactive marijuana plant strain directory is perfect. Whether you are looking for a strain that will grow in a particular region, or you want to know more specific information like THC content, the origin of the species, effects and potential uses, this ultimate guide to strains is every enthusiast's dream come true.

3. 4 displays dedicated to recognizing propaganda as it evolved throughout the years
Though most consumers are trying to forget the decades of propaganda that they learned throughout their lives, it is important to recognize where and why this battle began in the first place. While some of the available information is speculation, there is no more of an in-depth look into the history of marijuana prohibition, and everything that may have fueled its illegal status for so many years.

This is the only way to ensure that we don’t make the same mistakes in the future, and the struggle of our ancestors is one that deserves the utmost respect and consideration, so if you’re interested in the history of the marijuana plant that you love, then you want to be sure to check out this section of the museum.

4. The science behind the effects of the marijuana plant
Many people use and enjoy marijuana plant products so much that they boast the pot leaf as a sign of adoration, but very few understand the true science behind how it all works. With the introduction of more potent cannabis goods like edibles and vape juice, knowing the facts behind how the body processes cannabinoids like THC and CBD can be incredibly helpful in predicting their effects.

How cannabinoids make it into your bloodstream can significantly impact how long a high might last, how intense the effects might be, how long they may take to kick in, and how long you should wait between doses. To help, the Cannabition Cannabis Museum boasts demonstrations and charts to guide all guests on a tour of the human endocannabinoid system, and how it all works.

5. Realistic life-sized models to show the cannabis plant anatomy and growing cycles
Marijuana legalization in Canada made many cannabis enthusiasts dream a reality, as the sudden ability to legally grow four plants per household was welcomed with open arms. However, this change leads to many less experienced individuals wanting to grow marijuana without anywhere reliable to learn. Growing cannabis is a bit more complicated than your average flower, which is why the basics of cannabis plant anatomy through a blown-up version of a marijuana plant can be so helpful.

Whether you want to know when to put in your pot plants, what to offer or look for as they age and grow, or how to tell when they are ready for harvest, you can learn all of it here. Watch a 3D marijuana plant sprout to full maturity or check out the hands-on models that are easy to dissect to go deeper into the health and wellness of the marijuana plant at the Cannabition Cannabis Museum.

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