Why teens should learn about cannabis

iStock / Zerbor

As parents, there is nothing more important than the well-being of our children and choosing what information to present or avoid can be a challenging task. We live in a world where science is constantly changing and updating according to the latest information, and at a time when parents have to navigate this topic, that might bring them discomfort due to a long history of trauma and damage from the war on drugs.

What was once criminal is now both socially acceptable and medically necessary, yet the prospect is still enough to trigger a wave of anxiety.

Some parents decide to avoid it completely, assuming that a later date, when the kids are closer to legal age, might be more acceptable, but today we’re out to present a different view. World-renowned experts, psychologists, and teachers are calling for more access to cannabis-specific education for teens, and here we’re going to explain why that this.

It’s highly likely that they’ll be

All parents were teenagers at one point, and most of us can remember the first time we were exposed to cannabis. For most, this happens as early as high school, with some reporting both use and exposure in public school. It’s out there, and there’s not much you can do about that but is your teen's group of friends the most reliable source for information? The answer is probably not. To avoid this confusion, parents can begin the discussion to ensure these kids know exactly what they’re getting into.

Teens can’t make informed decisions without the right information

Teenagers learn from the internet, which is notorious for being full of misinformation, some of which might make them feel like it’s no big deal at all to consume cannabis products at such a tender age. The thing is that we know there are potential adverse effects for teens that take this leap, which is why it’s so important to arm them with that information. Educated teens are far more likely to make the well-informed decision to wait, and that’s good news for parents.

To reduce the stigma

Though it’s a legal option for adults and a safe medical treatment, there is still a heavy stigma that follows cannabis and all of its users, and teens, being the impressionable people they are, might just cling to the rhetoric they’ve heard from elsewhere, which could lead to some harsh judgments of regular everyday people. This is why teenagers should learn all about stereotypes and common misconceptions, which will help to eliminate the stigma for people now as well as future generations.

Teens will soon be adults

Teenagers, in particular, those that just entered these wonderful years, are still very much children, but one day soon, they will suddenly be adults that have access to cannabis products. It might seem like a long time away to parents, but the truth is that in the blink of an eye, that time will pass, leaving uneducated, legal-aged consumers to figure this whole thing out for themselves. We can and should do better for our kids by preparing them with what’s ahead, and it’s as easy as being open, honest, and willing to talk about this plant using only the facts.

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