5 Things that you can do to help your cannabis seeds to sprout

iStock / Liudi Hara

Growing pot plants can take a certain level of skill, but if you can’t get your cannabis seeds to sprout into healthy seedlings, then you won’t ever get the chance to see how good you might be. Though germination is typically one of the most glossed over growing subjects out there, for some, it is also the most difficult. If you’re finding that you aren’t having luck with getting marijuana seeds to open up, or that you succeed in exposing the sprout only for it to die after a transplant, then this list is for you.

1. Soften the shells of your cannabis seeds with water

Germination requires a fair amount of water, as the liquid does fast work of softening the shell just enough for it to open once the developing sprouts need to escape and seek the light, but some seeds are just tough shells to crack, and when this happens, a great solution is a small glass of water to soak them in. Completely submerging them will apply much more moisture than what’s possible in most germination mediums, and a full 24-hour soak might be just what you need to get them to open up faster.

2. Add heat to speed up germination

Are you having problems with either the cannabis seeds opening or with the sprouts gaining any kind of considerable growth after they do? If so, then you might not be keeping the space that they’re in warm enough. Cannabis plants are a tropical species that enjoy exotically high temperatures and humidity levels, and since the latter is incredibly difficult to recreate without causing mold, your best bet is to turn up the heat by a few degrees at a time, until you see some real action.

3. Allow for proper airflow

If your cannabis seeds are opening up like champs, but then you find that they really aren’t growing a very strong sprout, then the problem might be far too little airflow which is necessary to avoid mold. Even if you can’t see a funny annoyance, a soggy and droopy growth that just won’t bring out a few tiny fan leaves might be impacted by the presence of mold, so make sure that if you are germinating the seeds in a bag or container, they have plenty of room to breathe by opening the lid.

4. Wear down the shells

In the case of older cannabis seeds, sometimes all of the above ideas fall short of what’s needed to make things move, and this is when you’ll need to get out the more intrusive tools like sandpaper or a Dremel to hasten the action. Though you’ll not want to go crazy with it, as too much damage could destroy the seed from ever reaching its fullest potential, removing just enough to take away the colors and patterns on the outer portions of the casing can speed up the process long enough to produce impressive results.

5. Use a rooting compound during germination

Most gardeners save rooting compounds for extreme situations, like during cloning but very few realize the benefits that can be achieved by adding it to the liquid used during the germination of cannabis seeds. You’ll also want to leave out any chemicals that can be present in tap water, so fill a shot glass with water, let it stand in the sun for approximately 24 hours to remove unwanted additions, and then mix in some rooting compound before using it for germination. It might seem a little bit premature, but you’ll find that once your seeds crack open, they’ll grow so much more quickly, and into a strong and robust stem that will hold up to the stress of a transplant into the soil with ease.

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