It pays to be an occasional cannabis consumer

iStock / Inside Creative House

The media highlights more stereotypical stoners than they do anything close to what would match real life. Occasional use is a whole lot more common than most people realize, and it seems that those who choose this path are actually getting a really good deal in the grand scheme of things. If you prefer to enjoy smoking weed only on the weekends, or during social occasions, then you likely fit into the category of occasional use, and though you might not know it yet, you’re getting quite a few benefits from holding back, and only indulging in the green from time to time.

1. Save money

One of the biggest and most obvious benefits of occasional use is that it comes with a much smaller price tag, which makes it easier on the wallet. If you’re only smoking weed once in a while, then you may only need to buy a $30 eighth each week. Meanwhile, regular consumers can burn through both literally and metaphorically hundreds of dollars in a single month to keep up with their habit, and that can be difficult to keep up with as an extra bill.

2. Discretion is easier

When you don’t smoke a lot, it makes keeping your choice to indulge on the down-low much easier, because you won’t always smell like it, and you won’t have to constantly sneak away from anyone you may know just to squeeze a hit in when hiding is nearly impossible. It also means that you can leave home with little to no notice because you won’t be tied down to the location of your stash or dealer, so you’re able to maintain yourself without bringing it with you everywhere that you go.

3. Lower tolerance that lasts longer

Most cannabis enthusiasts think about their very first experience with the plant quite fondly, because it is a time when many will experience a high, unlike anything that they will ever be able to achieve again. As the years pass, and our frequency of intake increases, so too does our tolerance to THC. This makes it so that the euphoric sensations slowly fade away, and it takes more to make us feel satisfied, but that is a situation that you can avoid entirely if you only occasionally use cannabis.

4. Less risk of CHS

Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, aka cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, is a condition that we are only beginning to understand, but what we do know is that it seems to only affect long term, frequent consumers. This illness can cause vomiting, nausea, fevers, and a host of other uncomfortable side effects that can last for anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after every time you use cannabis. The only way that we know for certain to avoid this outcome is for those who partake to stick to occasional use, so if you’re in that group of consumers, you can rest easy.

5. Less frequent trips to the dispensary

Now that cannabis is legal in so many areas, it’s relatively easy for the average person to find a dispensary that is within reach, but that doesn't mean that this adventure is convenient. In fact, much of the population in Canada still resides in what we call cannabis deserts, which makes it quite difficult for some to access dispensaries. As an occasional user, this is a problem that you won’t have to do deal with nearly as often because buying in bulk will be more affordable, and no matter what you get, you won’t have to keep coming back every few days for more.

6. People won’t bother you for your green

Occasional use comes with many perks, but one of the best ones is that people won’t necessarily expect you to have it all of the time. Often, this helps to further reduce your cannabis expenses because you won’t be paying for someone else to get high all the time, plus people will be a lot more willing to share theirs with you because they know that you won’t need as much to get lit. There are benefits to being a typical stoner, but it can get annoying and even stressful to always be expected to supply a group, and that’s something that you can avoid if you don’t use cannabis all the time.

7. It’s easier to cart around or hide as necessary

Regular cannabis consumers tend to carry their stash around with them everywhere that they go because you just never know when a good time for a bowl or joint might come about, but occasional users don’t have to worry about that, and when they do, they have a whole lot less to take with them. If you’re only smoking weed once in a while, then all you really need is a pre-roll or two and you’re good to go, which is much easier to hide than an entire stash box complete with a bong or some other extravagant device.

8. The benefits of government-regulated edibles are real for you

When the word about cannabis 2.0 in Canada first began to spread, enthusiasts and advocates were elated, but political interference has made the whole endeavor into a huge mess that’s left users with a higher tolerance out in the cold. The move to limit edibles to a meager 10mg per package was painful for some cannabis consumers, but those who only partake in using the plant products occasionally won’t have the same problem. In fact, for them, a 10mg edible might be overwhelming, so this range gives them plenty of room to experiment without having to spend a fortune to do so.

9. A wider variety of experiences are available

Legal cannabis is highly regulated and restricted, and though we do have access to a wide variety of different strains and products to choose from, much of the flower that is available weighs in on the lower end of the scale, where THC is concerned. This makes it so that seasoned users have fewer choices that will do the job, which is a problem because some of the milder strains of cannabis are the best tasting and offer the most unique sets of benefits. Occasional use, on the other hand, puts you in the perfect spot if you want to enjoy absolutely everything that the plant has to offer, which gives you more choices.

10. Fewer adverse health effects

There have been very few adverse effects on health linked directly with cannabis, but most methods of its use have at least some sort of downside that can be exacerbated by excessive consumption, like with smoking weed which will slowly stain your teeth, and prolonged inhalation of smoke can lead to lung irritation that can take a few days to fully recover from. It is much easier to keep the risk of these adverse effects in check with occasional use, by getting dental cleanings and giving your lungs time to recover between each session.

There is no denying that some people benefit greatly from frequent cannabis use as part of their lives, and that is an incredible fact that should never be overlooked when you’re considering how much you should use yourself, but it’s also important to celebrate the choices of those who prefer to enjoy cannabis in moderation because both lifestyle choices come with ups and downs that must be weighed alongside personal needs. Seasoned users can have it good, but occasional consumers definitely make it out of the gate with far fewer risks and annoyances.

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