Jack Frost

Jack Frost Cannabis Strain

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Very pretty buds, lime green with hints of purple and very frosty... Instant euphoria when you blaze this, you can do anything on this strain and you will have a blast! 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 5 out 5 tress. Peace, 420TRUMP
Very good

Very good

I liked this strain!
Very good

Delicious preroll from Lowell farms. Quality strain, piney minty berry reminds me of an outdoor hike in the forest; calming head and body super relaxing; highly lol "high"ly recommend!
Very good

Jack Frost has the perfect blend of influence and energy that you can easily smoke this with friends and not slump out.

Haven’t tried the green, only the distillate. Was not impressed. A bit harsh (had some difficulty controlling the hit), solid early peaking high, but not much else for me. Not particularly sexual, not intellectual, not musical, not munchy, not sleepy. Will probably try it a few more times —- until I get something better.— but not a fan. Might be a good base for a blend if can control the harshness.

I had this strain in Seattle a few years ago and was just blown away. Fantastic focused and energetic head high, but the showstopper is the taste and smell of this bud. Pine and citrus that stick with you for a bit and a happy and energizing buzz that doesn't stop. Definitely a bucket list strain and I hope to find some more soon.

Jack Frost is a smooth strain to smoke in a joint. The high didn’t hit us right away but when it did, it lasted a long time. Also did help with my stomach cramps. it’s oreolovin approved!!
Very good

Jack Frost leans more to the heavy weight class of hybrids. Cultivated from Northern Lights #5 and White Widow, Jack Frost's potent effects will leave you relaxed and happy. A sativa dominant hybrid version of this strain can also be found with a mix of Northern Lights #5, White Widow, and Jack Herer. Jack Frost has a mixture of different textures when smoked. On some occasions the strain can have a lemon flavor that lingers...
Very good

My favorite strain by far!