How To Make CBD Oil For Beginners

iStock / Ivan-balvan

Though the media continues to focus on marijuana products infused with THC, CBD products are quickly growing in popularity. This element that was once believed to have little to no purpose is an incredibly powerful component that can be helpful when utilized as a therapeutic agent.

CBD oil can be taken as a supplement to prevent certain conditions, as well as a treatment for both chronic and short-term issues. However, the most incredible thing about this element is, it can benefit patients, typically healthy and pain-free individuals and recreational consumers when taken correctly. Here you will find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about CBD oil, including a step by step guide on how to make this oil at home.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil consists of an extractor like cooking oil or alcohol infused with the cannabinoid CBD. It will also include other elements like terpenes and cannabinoids that can be beneficial. However, it is important to note that most cannabis strains and CBD oils that are made using terpenes or cannabinoids will contain at least some amount of THC, which is the psychoactive element in marijuana plants.


iStock / Gajus

The benefits of CBD are vast and range from physical changes to help with mental health issues. Below is a list of the most common conditions and symptoms that might improve with CBD oil treatment.

  • Seizures
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Blood pressure
  • Pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Inflammation
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Alzheimer's
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Stroke
  • Muscle spasms
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Cancer
  • Nausea

Negative side effects

Unfortunately, though rare, there are a few side effects that you should know about before using any kind of CBD oil product. Some of the most commonly reported adverse effects include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of appetite

How to use CBD oil

Whether you are smoking, vaping, eating or topically applying CBD oil, bear in mind it is non-toxic, so there is no need to be concerned with overconsumption. However, there are a few recommendations and tips that you might want to consider implementing for the highest chances of success.

1. Start small
Even if your symptoms are severe, it is always a good idea, to begin with, the lowest dose of CBD, which is generally around 5mg. A low dose allows the consumer to assess how they will be affected and helps to keep adverse reactions to a minimum.

2. Slowly increase CBD doses
The goal of a CBD microdose for beginners is to see how they will initially react to the element, but this isn’t only important in the infancy of experimentation. If at first, you find that a low dose is ineffective, then allow for a 5mg increase at a time and wait at least a few days before making that change. Doing so can help you to build a tolerance and comfortability with CBD while seeking the perfect dosage for yourself.

3. Be patient
A lot of consumers expect products like CBD oil to work instantly on a problem, but the thing is, CBD is a component that doesn't always induce noticeable sensations immediately. It may take hours, days, weeks or even months to notice any significant difference, depending on the problem at hand. So be patient and remain consistent with dosing guidelines. It might take a while, but you will find it eventually.

4. If at first, you don’t succeed, then try a different cannabis strain
Some hope to achieve the same results from CBD as they would from THC, and that isn’t always possible. However, no success with one batch does not mean that all hope is lost. If you are not pleased with the outcome, then try using CBD oil made from another cannabis strain. Remember each one contains a unique concoction of powerful elements that help to prop up and enhance specific qualities, as such the effects of each one differ greatly from the next, so it might take a few tries to find the perfect one for you.

5. Consider different methods of ingestion
Some people can garner relief more effectively from the mere topical application of CBD oil. However, many others are unable to achieve the same effects without pure oral ingestion, and this is generally caused by personal tolerance and the rate at which the body absorbs cannabinoids. If you don’t have luck with treating a symptom using one method, then it might be time to switch things up. This particular CBD oil can be made into a topical agent using cream, lotion or salve. It also works perfectly in baked goods, as well as mixed into beverages or absorbed by rubbing it onto the gums. Since it is non-toxic, it is entirely safe to experiment.

How to make CBD oil

iStock / Tinnakorn Jorruang

This might seem like a simple question until you realize just how many different types are out there. CBD oil can be made using almost any fat-based ingredient as long as it is safe for the method of ingestion that you prefer. Each different type of CBD oil serves a different purpose, with those like coconut oil made for both edible and topical options, and CBD tincture or vape juice designed for safe inhalation or ingestion.

How to make CBD oil with coconut oil

The most important thing to remember is, working with cannabis strains does increase the possibility of psychoactive effects. CBD oil is typically manufactured using hemp plant materials, and they contain little to no THC and plenty of CBD. This makes them the ideal option, for anyone who must pass drug testing or that wants to avoid all the foggy euphoric sensations that comes with it.

The trouble is most people have an easier time accessing hundreds of different marijuana strains than they do getting possession of tasty hemp flowers. Many would benefit from a measured dose of THC as well, as such most will learn how to make CBD oil at home using cannabis buds instead.

This guide will work with either plant’s flowers or cuttings, but if you’re looking for a potent CBD oil that consists of mainly just one element, then you will need to select the strain very carefully. Most marijuana strains produce very little CBD, so it is important, to begin with, the right one.

You will need:

  • 1 oz cannabis flowers, hemp buds, or leaf trimmings
  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • 1 weed grinder
  • 1 baking sheet
  • 2 mason jars
  • 1 small pot
  • 1 small clean dishcloth
  • 1 thermometer
  • 1 elastic
  • cheesecloth


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°F and grind up the plant materials while you wait.

  2. Spread the bud grind across the baking sheet, then bake for 60-90 minutes. This step is necessary, as it decarboxylates the buds, which converts THCA and CBDA into their activated forms. Without it, you will not obtain the same benefits from your homemade CBD oil.

  3. Once the bud grind is decarboxylated, dump it into one of the mason jars.

  4. Pour coconut oil into the jar, ensuring it’s enough to saturate the plant matter. Bear in mind too much room for breathing will result in a less potent CBD oil.

  5. Fasten the lid onto the mason jar. Place a towel in the bottom of a pot and fill the pan halfway with water.

  6. Place it on a burner and set to medium heat.

  7. Rest the mason jar on top of the towel, and wait for the liquid to hit 200°F.

  8. Once it hits that ideal temperature, lower the burner, setting enough to avoid boiling over, while maintaining the 220°F. Allow simmering at this temperature for 3 hours. During this time, it is vital to check on the water level to avoid scalding and adding more water if needed to keep it from going dry.

  9. After 3 hours of brewing, remove the jar from the pot and allow it to rest for 2-3 hours.

  10. Reheat the mixture for another 3 hours at the same 220°F. (Some people skip over this additional extraction time, but this will result in a much less potent CBD product).

  11. Once the oil has finished cooking for a second time, remove from the pot and allow to cool.

  12. When the mixture is completely cool, and you can safely handle the jar, the mixture is now ready to be strain. Do this by placing a few layers of cheesecloth over the spout of the filled jar and fasten it into place using an elastic to create a filter, then slowly pour the CBD oil into the clean jar, and it will finally be processed and ready for use.

* Important note - This cannabis oil recipe is intended for topical and oral consumption, and not meant to be vaporized or smoked. *

How to make CBD vape oil from isolate

iStock / HighGradeRoots

Vape oil is great for those who prefer vaping over smoking, and it’s relatively easy to make with almost any kind of vape juice and a few additional ingredients on hand. For those who don’t have vape juice, we have included a recipe from scratch for how to make CBD vape oil from isolate.

Makes: 60ml

You will need:

  • 1000mg CBD isolate
  • 30ml vegetable glycerin
  • 24ml propylene glycol
  • 6ml flavor additive (vape juice or terpenes)
  • 60ml vape juice container (or larger)
  • Kitchen scale
  • Syringe


  1. Use a syringe to measure out propylene glycol and then add it to the vape juice container.

  2. Now use a scale to get the ideal amount of CBD isolate, and then add it to the propylene glycol.

  3. Seal the vape juice container and shake it up and down continuously for either 5 minutes, or until you can no longer see the CBD isolate crystals.

  4. Reopen the container and add in the vegetable glycerin, seal and shake repeatedly for around a minute.

  5. Remove the lid and add in the final ingredient which is your flavoring of choice before mixing everything together once more.

Now your freshly made CBD oil vape juice is ready to be used in any compatible vaporizer. Use the syringe to fill the tank slowly and enjoy the benefits of all your hard work with some thick clouds.

How to make CBD oil tincture

CBD oil and CBD tincture are pretty much the same things, but they are made with a different base ingredient because they are intended for oral use. If you’ve like to make a batch of CBD tincture, then follow the instructions down below using a high CBD strain.

You will need:

  • 1 cup cannabis buds or leaves
  • 1 cup high proof alcohol (drinkable)
  • 1 sealable mason jar
  • Cheesecloth
  • Mixing tool
  • Grinder


  1. To start you will want to grind up the cannabis buds to make the extraction process just a little bit faster and easier. Do that and then toss the grinds into a mason jar.

  2. Now fill the jar with enough alcohol to completely saturate all the bud grind inside of the jar.

  3. Use a mixing tool to crush the cannabis into the alcohol solution. The more agitation, the better before sealing the mason jar and set it away in storage while the solvent works its magic. This process can take anywhere from 30 days to 3 months, and the longer it’s left to sit, the stronger the solution will be.

  4. Every day during the long wait you should retrieve the jar of CBD filled ingredients and give them a rigorous shake to agitate the contents, before storing it away from damaging elements such as heat or sunlight.

  5. Once you are satisfied with how long your CBD tincture has been sitting, use a few layers of cheesecloth to filter out the bud grinds before bottling the results or enjoying them.

How to make salve with CBD oil

iStock / MysteryShot

If you want to know how to make an effective healing topical salve, then you can either check out one of our handy recipes or make up your own using your favorite products. A few drops of CBD oil can be added to almost any hand cream or butter to create a natural healing choice that is perfect for topical use.

How to make topical CBD oil

The term topical CBD oil just means that the oil is made using a skin-safe product that will not harm or irritate on contact. The most popular bases for this kind of CBD oil include olive, coconut, vegetable, or peanut oils.

How to make CBD oil taste better

The best way to make your CBD oil taste better will depend on the kind you are talking about. Edible oil can be easily combined in some of the most delicious recipes to mask the taste, but CBD vape juices will need a heat-safe flavor-alternative that can be found at a vape store near you.

Top 10 CBD cannabis strains

  1. Critical Mass

  2. AC/DC

  3. Harlequin

  4. Ringo’s Gift

  5. Cannatonic

  6. Pennywise

  7. Valentine X

  8. Harle-Tsu

  9. Sweet and Sour Widow

  10. Stephen Hawking Kush

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