Grow Up Conference - Tamara Lilien of CannaLily Consulting Interview

Published Sep 21, 2019 02:02 p.m. ET

Tamara Lilien is the founder of CannaLily Consulting; Coming from a 14 year background in Palliative Care, Tamara developed a keen understanding of gaps that exist in the health care system.  She was specifically galvanized by the cannabis-related misinformation, stereotypes and stigmas that continue to pervade.  Experiencing the medical benefits of cannabis firsthand was the final impetus behind her transition into a career in Cannabis Education and Consulting.  Tamara believes strongly that all Canadians deserve easy access to cannabis and associated resources for both medical and recreational purposes.

Tamara works as a career coach for the Cannabis Career Network, regularly speaks at cannabis events and on panels, facilitates educational workshops, builds and represents brands, hosts exclusive theme-parties.


Visit her website at https://www.cannalily.ca/

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