
Cannabis Wiki Conference & Expo - 2022 - Angelina Blessed - Blessed Edibles

Published Jun 22, 2022 05:45 p.m. ET

Angelina Blessed is a Muay thai fighter who has spent 16 years training and fighting between Thailand and Canada. Ript runner, Calisthenics athlete and the first Canadian female to fight Muay thai in China. With multiple injuries and dietary restrictions she had a lot to learn about the recovery process and that the sugary edibles available aren’t a viable option to fight inflammation in the body.

“My mantra has always been Train. Treat. Repeat,” says Angelina, Founder of Blessed. “From the gym to the boardroom, I push myself hard everyday, I’m no stranger to pain. Years ago, we developed the perfect product to treat myself and my tastebuds; I’m proud to introduce this to the Canadian market.”

Flir combines a passion for fine foods and inventive flavours to create a departure from the normal cannabis or culinary experience, embodied by their Strawberry and Sweet Basil White Chocolate bar.


Look for Blessed edibles in stores and OCS now … with a new offering coming soon.
This was a great chat with a good friend.

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