Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer Cannabis Strain

Review Breakdown

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Very good

Yo🌿🌿🌿Are you looking for a legit plug for your top weed strains & shrooms ‼️ Whatsapp....+1 (210) 265-1016 ‼️Telegram:castroweed
Very good

Pure Fire!!
Very good

oh indica my sweet mistress how I love thee. this is a functional indica that creates a relaxing yet semi clear high. slightly euphoric in the head but body is chilled the f out! should change the name to booty cheese cuz it smells so funky and sweet it's strong yo! good times weed like wooderson fo real!
Very good

Love this strain! Khush kush is a quality farm. I bought a gram of this and it was the best indica I've had so far. Starts nice and creeps some and a great nights sleep follows for me. I'm sold on what these guys grow, it's high quality. So good it's nowhere to be found now that I'm out....
Very good

Love it! Everything I've had by this company has been great! Very high quality! The BellRinger makes it possible for me to fully relax after a long day at work.