Top 5 Things to Look for in a Cannabis Beverage

Source: Taveesaksri/GettyImages-Canva

Fast-Acting Effect, Natural Ingredients, Full-Spectrum High, No THC Flavour, Classic Soda Taste

What to look for when choosing your go-to cannabis beverage

One of the true gifts of the legalization era is the sight of a fridge full of cannabis drinks at your local dispensary. Whichever pot pop you pick up this weekend, we can all agree that having an abundance of infused drink options is a plus. With all this choice, this is one of those “good problem” scenarios, where consumers have a plethora of choices but don’t know where to start. Here’s our approach to help you navigate your next canna-bevvie purchase. When it comes to drinks, here are a few questions we feel will guide you in the right direction.

Does it have a predictable and fast-acting high?

Unlike edibles that can take an hour or more to feel the high, you’ll want to find a cannabis beverage with a buzz that slaps with just the right amount, each and every time. When hanging with friends, a cannabis drink that kicks in quickly is preferred. At the same time, it’s best to avoid taking more THC than we can handle. Finding the right balance and always selecting products that are lab tested and approved by Health Canada is definitely the way to go, unless entering a new dimension is your vibe.

Can you sesh incognito?

Unfortunately, not everyone is hip to cannabis. Sometimes you want a product that doesn’t smell like an indoor grow, where only you know what’s really inside your cup. Yes, it’s a shame that some of us still have to take “walks” at family gatherings, but cannabis still has a stigma in some people’s eyes. We are all working to change that perspective, but until that time, a covert cannabis bevvie in your purse or back pocket might just do the trick… just saying.

What about natural ingredients?

We all get to enjoy treats that aren’t good for us from time-to-time. But if your cannabis beverage is full of unnatural ingredients, it isn’t something you’ll want to drink on a regular basis. There are drinks on the market that look otherworldly in both colour and aroma. Be kind to your digestive system and choose drinks with ingredients from planet Earth. For your go-to everyday cannabis beverage, finding one that isn’t full of processed sugar or ingredients you need a PhD to pronounce is key.

The Great High

Does your cannabis beverage offer a full-spectrum or distillate high? While a distillate high may offer a more intense and focused experience due to the isolated compound, many people consider a full-spectrum high to be a better overall experience. This is because full-spectrum cannabis products contain a variety of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other plant compounds that work together to create what is known as the "entourage effect." This phenomenon refers to the way in which the various compounds interact with each other to enhance their individual effects, resulting in a more nuanced, well-rounded and therapeutic experience. Overall, while distillate highs may be preferred by some users for their intensity, many cannabis enthusiasts find that full-spectrum highs offer a more balanced and enjoyable experience.

Source: CannabisWiki

Does it have a “weedy” taste?

Even passionate cannabis consumers want a beverage that doesn’t have a “skunky”, THC taste. If you’ve ever kissed someone (or been kissed) who’s just smoked a joint, it can be quite unpleasant to taste. While most cannabis drinks haven’t mastered the art of combining efficacy with great taste, Zèle Cannabis-Infused Craft Sodas lead the pack providing drinks where you can enjoy the effects of THC without the taste. That said, they have a variety of flavours to explore and there are cool new products in the works.

Wrapping up the 5 things you want in a cannabis beverage

Fast-Acting Effect, Natural Ingredients, Full-Spectrum High, No THC Flavour, Classic Soda Taste

The good news is we have a wide selection of beverages to choose from. The even better news is that exploring is half the fun. But for our go-to, our week-to-week needs there are some criteria that we recommend you follow. No weedy flavour, say it with me. It has to be fast-acting and predictable, ideally with natural ingredients and if it could taste like a classic soda with the benefits of full-spectrum cannabis that would be great.

Product Recommendation

While there are a number of contenders in the cannabis beverage market, one of our favourites is Zèle Cannabis-Infused Craft Beverages as it easily has all 5 things you should look for in a cannabis beverage. Their bottles are filled with craft soda and flavourless full-spectrum cannabis. Zèle sodas have all the kick of cannabis without any of the undesirable aroma or bitter taste. Their products contain 10mg of THC, the legal limit for cannabis beverages in Canada. Zèle calls their drinks “the most delicious full spectrum cannabis drinks you’ll never taste.” And we quite agree. Check them out here to learn more.