COVID-19 has triggered a rise in e-commerce CBD sales

Published Jun 5, 2020 09:00 a.m. ET
iStock / relif

COVID-19, which is deadly to some people, has proven to be explosive in most parts of the cannabis industry, but it has also increased revenues for certain companies over the last few months. Face to face cannabis business is about to be as redundant as puff puff pass has become, as e-commerce takes over.

E-commerce has enabled consumers to continue receiving the CBD for anxiety products that they have been purchasing. COVID-19 has perhaps been influential in the rise of CBD for anxiety, along with many other cannabis products. Many across the world are anxious in this COVID0-19 era, and the best CBD products are being made available in a socially conscious manner.

New brands and regulatory issues have not provided a smooth path for CBD sales. However, surprisingly enough, hemp-derived CBD is proving to be on the increase through the provision of e-commerce. A recent study from the Brightfield Group indicated that CBD users are looking to purchase more during this worldwide crisis we are all living through.

  • 4 out of 10 CBD users will use CBD more frequently and purchase more.

  • 15% of those answering the survey know they will be using a higher dose.

Self-care or self-medicating?

Lockdown has seen many CBD users increase the frequency or strength of the CBD products they are purchasing. Some of the leading uses for CBD according to consumer reports are:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insomnia


COVID-19 has given people the time to look at life and see that self-care is necessary. CBD self-help product sales are spiking, and e-commerce is the platform enabling this form of the cannabis industry to continue.

The stay at home orders will eventually be lifted, but will the usual way of doing commerce come back? There is an indication that face to face or a mortar store's way of conducting business is now a thing of the past because people don’t trust the safety measures that are in place to stop the spread of the virus.  The increase in e-commerce business is proof of how things may never be the same.

Shopping today

One-quarter of people polled do not feel comfortable shopping in malls where self-distancing and disposable gloves are necessary to conduct a safe business transaction today. Slowly the world is opening back up to do business. Curbside shopping and product delivery are becoming the norm today, as less contact between people is the way business is being conducted safely and consciously.

Consumers are now much more inclined to stay home, stay safe, and shop online. However, as noted, e-commerce is moving up the green ladder as a better form of conducting trade through the COVID-19 virus, which is still prevalent across much of the world.

Name that CBD Product

One of the best CBD products available that have assisted in the spike of e-commerce includes Cloud Water Brands. The infusion of 25mg CBD isolate makes this delicious sparkling beverage for those living with anxiety and can help those with trouble not only getting to sleep but staying asleep. Many consumers are choosing to use this particular CBD product to help them accomplish daily tasks during this COVID-19 crisis.

Interestingly the Food and Drug Administration does not view CBD as a legal dietary ingredient in foods, supplements, or beverages. The FDA is working on regulatory procedures to provide the pathway for all retailers to be able to sell CBD products. However, wherever the sale of the best CBD products is conducted, surely, e-commerce will be in the mix.

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