How CBD Oil can help to treat Arthritis

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People living with Arthritis have few medicinal options that aren’t either addictive or harmful, and despite the millions of dollars that go towards research every single year, most pharmaceutical medications haven’t really changed much. If you are seeking a powerful treatment option, then CBD oil for Arthritis is an excellent place to start.

CBD Oil Benefits for Arthritis symptoms

CBD interacts with the immune system by connecting with CB2 receptors, which are located throughout the body within what is called the endocannabinoid system. Once the two meets, it triggers the release of natural chemicals within the body, which can help to reduce pain, discomfort and inflammation, which is especially useful when treating arthritis symptoms. It also has anti-seizure components and can assist those who suffer from sleep-related issues such as insomnia or constant restlessness.

Inflammation is the main contributor to the pain felt by those with arthritis and CBD works to take down the swelling. Even patients with severe cases, manage to get relief from this treatment. Luckily, there are a few bonus benefits that can also help to treat the side effects and symptoms of this often debilitating disease.

  • Anti-anxiety
  • Pain relief
  • Anti-seizure
  • Appetite regulation
  • Mood improvement
  • Neuroprotective
  • Anti-inflammatory

How much CBD oil should I take for arthritis?

iStock / Aleksandr_Kravtsov

The first thing that every consumer should remember is that it is always recommended to start with the lowest dose possible, which is typically around 5mg. Once you’ve decided on an appropriate starter amount, then you will need to maintain that measurement consistently to see results, and an increase in CBD dosing should not occur for at least 3-7 days after starting a CBD oil treatment.

Vaping or smoking CBD oil provides an instant flood of the cannabinoid into the bloodstream, and in those cases, it can take up to 2 hours to notice any change, but for those who choose ingestible options, it can take up to 4 hours before the CBD oil starts to work.

How to take CBD oil for arthritis

There are three different ways that you can use CBD oil for arthritis symptoms, these are:

  • Ingesting (capsules, oil, edibles, etc.)
  • Inhalation (vaping, smoking or dabbing)
  • Topical (CBD oil, cream or salve)

What do I use for arthritis pain? Cannabis oil, hemp oil or CBD oil?

iStock / Yana Tatevosian

All three of these natural oils contains healing elements derived from nature that can assist with all different types of medical issues, but when it comes to choosing the right oil for Arthritis symptoms, only CBD oil and cannabis oil have been clinically proven to reduce the symptoms that go along with this diagnosis. The one that is best for you will depend on the results that you wish to achieve.

Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil is a term that is used to refer to oils that are made using weed strains that provide high doses of THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive element found in marijuana strains, that produces the intense psychoactive effects that are commonly associated with recreational consumption. This option can greatly improve felt symptoms immediately, but it doesn’t offer the clear-headed long-term medicinal benefits as CBD oil for Arthritis.


Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is well known for its ability to soothe inflammation at the root of the problem, so achy joints, sore muscles and other common indicators of Arthritis are slowly soothed and reduced over an extended period. Since this element is not psychoactive, it typically doesn’t give instant relief, which is why it is commonly taken in conjunction with other, more traditional pharmaceutical treatments.

What is the success rate of using CBD oil for arthritis?

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Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go in researching cannabidiol (CBD) oil to truly measure its effectiveness. However, one study which was published by the Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management included some fascinating results. With researchers noting two things including a dramatic reduction in symptoms and less need for traditional pharmaceuticals. As many as 80% of patients reported feeling some sense of relief, and participants were able to decrease their daily dosing of other prescribed drugs by up to 30%.

How long does it take to work?

CBD oil is still a highly misunderstood component, and its effects change from one person to the next, and it relies heavily on a consistent dosing to work efficiently. Though some CBD oil users claim to achieve relief within minutes of ingestion or inhalation, most see a change after longer-term use over the course of 24 hours or more. Each dose of CBD oil can last for up to 2 hours when smoked, but other methods of ingestion like edibles can last for 12 hours before the effects begin to fade away.

Where to get CBD oil for arthritis pain

iStock / anankkml

If you are seeking pure CBD oil to use as a therapeutic agent, then you don’t want additives or contaminants in the mixture. For the best CBD oil for arthritis, its best to visit your local doctor, the health food store, or a marijuana dispensary. Just make sure that you stick to regulated and legal products which must all undergo rigorous testing to make it onto store shelves. That can help you to avoid any potential problems with an unexpectedly high or adhere to side effects.

Best CBD Oil for Arthritis

Now that you know some of the most proven benefits of CBD for arthritis, I’m sure you are wondering which CBD oils come most recommended to alleviate the symptoms of this condition. To help, we have compiled a list of the 3 most recommended CBD oil for arthritis options along with where you can buy them.

1. Purekana
Cost: $45-$139
PureKana is the number one oil manufacturer right now and has won the title of ‘The Best Pure CBD Oil Producer of 2018’. Purekana uses a special technique with co2 to extract the CBD from marijuana plant materials. Boasting 99% purity and offering a wide range of non-GMO, organic, certified and not psychoactive products to choose from. You can find it at, and they ship almost anywhere in the world.

2. Green Roads
Cost: $25-$65
Green Roads focus more on potency than anything. They have been certified as safe for oral ingestion and can be smoked or vaped as is. Green Roads is one of the most affordable companies offering some of the highest CBD content products on the market. This one has the bonus of the entire process being overseen by a licensed pharmacist and is a fan favorite. Most widely known for their products effectiveness, you can’t go wrong with this one. To purchase this one go to

3. Premium Jane
Cost: $45-$125
Even those familiar with CBD oils may not have heard of this one. Premium Jane is the youngest company on the list and only carries a total of four products. Each of their products is handcrafted and heavily scrutinized, which has made them one of the most consistent CBD oil manufacturers to date. While they only have a few items, they have certainly perfected them. Offering organic, and non-GMO oils, including some of the most enjoyable flavors like vanilla bean and citrus. This line is not for smoking and is of high quality. If you would like to check them out, you can purchase their oils by visiting their website at